b"1997 GolfPlayer Registration Form Tournament Registratiou Procedure: II you are registering singly: Complete in tion inP er #1You will be placed in arsome. forma thelay section.fouIf you are registering as part of aList the players'in the spaces provided. group:names Ifthan 4 players are sted,players will be assignedcomplete your foulessli additionaltorsome. Payment Options: oP rsll pay in vid as indicat below. laye wi di uallyed oAll group lees w be paid for with acheck or credit card. Clearlyplayerresponsible for the charges of the group. illsingleindicate whichis Number ofTotal Payment Enclosed Players X$ll5 Play :._ _ ___________ _ __Player#2: er4H _Handicap:.___ ____Average Score:Handicap:._ ______e Score:_ ____ _ _ Av rage Company:_ _______ _______ __Company:_ _ ___ ____________ Mailing Address: _ _______ ______ __Mailing Address: _ ______ _ _ _ _ _____ City/State/Zip:_____ _____ _ _ __City/State/Zip:_ _______ _ _ _ ___ _ _P _ _ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _____ Phone:hone: PaymPlayer#I Payment Information:Player #2ent Information:Enclosed(Payable to the MidwestAssociation)C Enclosed(Payablethe Midwest Roofing Contractors Association) CheckRoofing Contractorsheckto MasterCardVisaOAMEXExpiration: _ _ _ _ ___MasterCardVisaOAMEXExpiration:Card Number: _ _______ ___ _ _ ___Card Number: _ _ _ _______ ______Name on Card:Name on Card: Signature:____ _ _ _________ __Signature:_____ _ _ _ _____ _ _ __ Player#3:,_ _______________Player#4: _Handicap:._ ______Average Score:Handicap:._______Score:_ ____ _ _ AverageCompany:___ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ __Company:_ _____ ___________ Mailing Address: _____________ __Mailing Address: ___ __________ __ City/State/Zip: _______________City/State/Zip:_________ _ ____ _Phone:Phone:________________ __ Player #3:Player #J Payment Information: Payment Information Enclosed(P toMidwest Roofing Contractors Association) Enclosed(Payable to the Midwest Roofing C tractors Assoc1at1on) CheckayabletheCheckonMasterCardVisaOAMEXExpiratio ___ _ ___MasterCardVisaOAMEXExpiration: n: Card Number: _ _ ______________Card Number: ___ _ ______ ___ _ __ Name on Card:Name on Card: Signature:_ ________________Signature: _ _________ _______"