b'ontents 3President\'s Article 6MRCA T&R U ate pd8What toin the First 24 H rs AfterInjudoou anry IOMccawley Award Nom ion inat Fonn llMRCA DirectordN a onrm an Officeromin ti Fo12ScholarshipnAn ouncement MRCA 1996-97 Board Directory Officers/Executive CommitteeF N John D. redauckeStephenson PresidentD C CompanyStephenson Roofing Company alerampton L.B. Morris Sellers & Ma isfing Compa B O CERTA rQu Roo nyobsterholt South Side Roofing &Metal Co,Dennis Runyan Sheet First Vice PresidentInc.Dr Inc yspace John Drew Mid-West R ng.Dona ParrishAdvisers oofi Co ld Blackmore &kner Roofing In D D is Buc c.r. ReneupuSecond Vicee entSRI Pr sidKurt Baumga B S Jr. rtnerobwanda, Martin R Com Inc.In Roofing Co.Robert Lacosse oofingpany,dependent ou seSecretary/TreasurerJames BrosseauLegal C n l David Tils Bennett &rosseau Roofing Inc.Jim Whittier enBTilsenCo, Inc.Ferree, BunnO\'Grady Roofing& Michael Cain Chairman ofBoardAdvancedMetal &fing theSheetRooBob Huntington AM Roofing Co., Inc.Charles E. Cornell, Jr.t Metal- \\ oofingSheeCornell R & Direc itz fing & Sheet Meta Inc.Comp Roofing Co.l\\ ;",, torsanyl Tom Bor ke L rl,Ted Evans~ ange Roo I-Iand-::.-Mi brD lDalsin anie J. BL Dalsin Roofing Co.JimIBCA. HEADQ TGentryUAR ERS irbe ofing15th K rg Ro Inc.4840 WestStreet Michael M. G tomskiSuite 1os 000 Winona Hea &ilating Co.Douglas RichardsonLawrence,66049-3876 tingVent KS Sun Commercial Roofs, IncPhone: 913/843-4888 Robert H F :/843-7555 ausmanAX 913Hausman Metal Works & R fing, Inc.T & R C mitteeE-mail: MWRoof@aol.com oo omBol wwwTomlnowWWW:.mrca.org Larry ScrogginsHans R n R Co.,Toll Free: 800/497-6722 ose owoofingInc E l HankinsCo. ar Roofing John Daly Ed Willia Kaw Roofing &Metal IncTheions and positions stated in msSheetopinFrem t Roofingmpany, Inc.a published herein are those of on Co rticles Kim Schwickertthe authors\' and not by the factpub-of Jim BarrS wickert Holding Co a lication, ne ily that of MRch mp nycessar CA. BarrC.O. Roofing Anthony Spigarelli James F. KarczewskiCentral Roofing Co AnsenorF JChristia Roofing C p 2'