b"employee, orschool district1.ality product; andthree manufacturers (and others aA quinto a m k2.At response to con that comply with valid specifiee submission.prompThe followingis a letter fromtractors and their customerscation requirements) should Don Parrish, a d ector ofto handle any problems thatproduce leak free, trou free, ir MRCA.ble SimiJarthoughtsweremay occur.long-termsolutions. roof alsosharedbyseveralThis is high,In,very important, praise especiallyaddition and other MRCA Directors.coming from auproofingby having at least these three b gro ofidAtourrecentcontractors. Knowing that theseders, the component of competiMRCA Board Meet three manufacturers, whether it betivenesshasbeenadded. With ing in Kansas City,in closed spec or acom ition amongmanucompetitivepet these Mo.,Irespondedtoasituation, will produce and pro facturers, all biddingon a level comment made regardingvidethe describedresultsasplaying field, asavings of up cost other's opinion of thecostsabove,isitthereforein thetopercent plus per project can, 30 associated with Garland Root installed over 1squareowner'sbest interest toput atand has, occurred.of fair millionThis type ing Systems versus other sys feet of Garland Roofing Prod leastthree in theirand legitimate competition can allspecificatems available.ucts and to datetions?result in aol district saving schoItwasstatedIn addition, and veryhave not had aWith your knowle ofthehundreds ofof dollars; dgethousands by one mem single call backroofing industry, and after review simply by h antrator avingadminisberinatten important, by havingfora productingpublished maga wiseen toexpectand previouslyough dancethatfailure.This,inzineandnewspaperarticles,demand fair,em tiat least these threelegitimat co petheydislikeditself,shouldconsider the following:On tionr . pub among manufactu ersseeingtheirbidders, theprove Garlandlic-fundedprojectshavingall moneyspentcomponent ofto be a viable onGarlandcompetitiveness hassolution.toBRING productsanyone's roofwhere theiringneeds It taxbeen added. With moneywasshouldalso involved.Mycompetition amongproveth at responsewasbasedonlife as follows:these manufacturers,cyclecosting, Whatcom all bidding on a levelGarland Roofcheap prises aing Systems do orexpensiveplaying field, ain fact have a cost roofingsys savings ofto 30placeinour tem? Are ourupmarketasa taxdollarspercent plus perquality,costbeingspenteffectivesyswisely ontheproject can, and has,tem. leastexpen short lifeoccurred.- has- ThisthemeYOUR siveroofingexpensive, system with abutaqua ity I potential for acycle?systembeenby restated Or is our money being spentother roofing contractors for bothELMENDORF. wisely ona moreexpensiveHickman and Tremco, in addition systemwitha proventrackto thetestimony on behalf above record for performance? IfofWe can take it. Eery shingle we make complies with therecomtheGarland.v MRCA less expensive roofing systemHavingbeeninvolvedin themendation lo meet ASTM D3462 requirements. Including the specification for.g shorturedendor penduhas to be replaced in amiddle of thisinterestingandtear strength as meas on the Elm flum teor lester. That's o; number ofthe keeper ofcon l discussion, it's fairclaim no othercon make.~ years,troversia manufacturer our tax dollars has not made atostatethatmostcontractorsVisit us on the Internet of www.certainteed.com or coll 1-800- :j 782-8777 good decision.agree that these three manr ~ ufactuand askASTM proof. Our firm has successfullyeprovide:forCertainTeedij rsC-1 llil5"