b",,_)MRCA DirectorOfficer Nomination and Data Sheet Please complete the following information a ut the person you have nominatedserve as an MRCA D ector orand accurate inforbo toir Officer. Completemation will help the MRCA Nomination Committee inits determination and will likewise assist your nominee inconsideramakingreceiving appropriate tion. Nominee_____ _ ______ ________ ____________ ___ _Company Name- - - - - - - - - - - -Address - - - - - - - - - -_ _ ip City__________________State____ ____Z _ _ ____ __ Describe nominee's service to the roofing industry u Submitted by- - - - - - - - - -Company Please forward completed data sheet to: Bob H ton untingAAA Roofing Company 910 North HighlandnAve ue lndianaporis, IN 46202"