b'OSHA Issues New Regulations We, of course, do not offer the lifetimeOn Stairways/Ladders accountabilityplanonallprojects.It depends uponroofmg system, the roof the design,andofcourse,otherfactors affecting the use ofroof.Subcontractorshavebeenrequiredtowhicheverisless,arerequiredtobe the comply with new safety rules governingequippedwithstair-rails,midrails,and Insummary,thetwoyearcontractorsstairways and ladders since January 14.handrails. guarantee onnew roofing system seemsTheOccupationalSafetyandHealth a validbut might not be sufficient.WeAdministration\'s (OSHA) new rules offerOSHA requires ladders to meet minimum strongly feel that continuing accountabilitydetailed provisionsfortheconstructiontest load and working load standards as should apply.worksites.prescribedbytheAmericanNational Standards Institute.Non-self-supporting WeMRCA"Fallsarethenumberonehazardtoladders mustbecapableof supporting, hopecontinues the good work! construction," said Assistant Secretary ofwithoutfailure,atleast fourtimesthe OSHA Gerard Scannell recently. "Wemaximum intended load when the ladder Yours truly,areis taking a big step to reduce that hazard withplaced at an angle ofExtra75.5 degrees. Harry J. Wendlandtthese regulations," he said.heavy-duty non-self-supporting ladders are required to support 3times the maximum MRCAMember.3 load75.5 degrees. Both attypes ofladders (Weencourageallof our memberstowouldhavetobetreatedtominimize comment on any articles published in theEmployers areslipping. Midwest Roofer.)required toFixed ladders must have a lengthclimb of feeta cagewell with greater than 24oror provide a trainingoffset ladder sectionsintervals50 MRCATheatoffeet. programeachregulations also require ladder safety for Foundationemployee whodevices andofbeof support systemscapable withstanding a drop testan 18" drop for Scholarshipsuses ladders ora 500 lb. weight. stairways.Employers are required to provide a training TheMRCAFoundationiscurrentlyprogramforeachemployeewhouses accepting applications for post-secondaryladdersor stairways.Thistrainingis scholarships. TheThe new regulations require a stairway orintendedtoinstructeachemployeeto Foundation, establishedladder at points ofrecognizeandminimizethehazards as anon-profit organization in1988toaccess where there is a breakinelevation of 19 inches or more.associatedladderstairway use. The provide scholarship assistance to studentswithor The regulations prohibit the use oftraining must be conducted by a "competent atthepost-secondarylevel,considersspiral applicants presently pursuing orstairwaysunlesssuchastairwaywillperson,"asdefinedundertheOSHA intendingbecome a permanent part ofstructurestandards. to pursue acurriculum at an accreditedthe university, college, community college, orunder construction. vocational orAcompliancemanual,whichincludes trade school which will leadThelayman\'sofas to a career in the construction industry.regulations also require fall protectiondescriptionthe ruleswell as systemstobeinplacebeforeanya copy of the regulations, is available from construction that would require theofAmericanSubcontractorsAssociation Anapplicationandthreelettersofuse ladders orOSHA feels(ASA), at $10.00 for members $15.00 for recommendation must bethestairways begins. submitted tothiswillmakeemployersmoresafetynon-ASAmembers,plusshippingand MRCAat Foundation8725 Rosehill Road,conscious atofhandlingof $3.00.ASAiscurrently Suite 210, Lenexa, Kansas66215-4600.the outsetthe construction Only one letter of recommendation canprocess, rather than after the fact.Thedeveloping a training video about stairway come from an MRCA Director, and noregulationsalsotakeintoaccounttheand ladder safety which will be available process ofby June, 1991.To order, contact ASA at letter from a Foundation Director will besetting up ladders and stairs. considered.Applicationmustbe100 Duke St., Alexandria, VA, 22314 or postmarked nolater than June1to beUnder the regulations, all stairways thatcall (703) 684-2924. willbe a partthe permanent structure considered for the subsequent academicnotof must have landings atat(Reprintedwiththepermissionof The year.least 30" long and least 22" wide at every 12 feet or less ofSubcontractor.) TorequestaFoundationscholarshipbe vertical rise. These stairs would have to application, contact Debbie Fangman atinstalled at an angle between 30 and 50 theMRCAoffice,913-599-6600.degrees from horizontal.Stairways with four oror Remember, the deadline is June 1.If youmore risersrising more than 30", knowanindividualwhoqualifies, encouragehimorhertocompletea scholarship application and return it to the MRCA headquarters. Page5'