b'J;muary, 1991 TROOFER MRCA\'sMonthlyNewsletterforProfessionalRoofingContractors MRCA Standard Two-YearLandfill GuaranteeRegulations by Kurt Baumgartner, MRCA Technical&Research Committee Member by Harlan Hanson, MRCA President Over the more than twenty-five years IDuringourrecentconventioninSan havebeenaroundtheroofingindustry,Antonio Ihad the opportunity to make warranties have been one of our biggestsome brief remarks regarding the current state of concerns.MRCA has along history oflandfill regulations and prospective working to limit the contractor\'s warrantieslegislation that may dramatically affect the to two years.way roofing contractors utilize landfills. I also touched on converts relating to the recycling ofof Now in the stateIowa,the Statesomethe waste the roofing ofwefindindustry generates. I would like to take this Dep;rtmentofPropertyManagementopportunity toexpandon some of that asking for a ten-year contractor\'s warrantyinformation with the caution that most of swell as a manufacturer\'s warranty.whatisdiscussediseitherproposed \'-.__,I legislation or This.cause a variety oflegislation already passed to can problems, suchbe enforced at a future date.We as an as what happens if in five years you cancelHarlan Hanson, MRCA Presidentindustry have time to prepare and act in a your agreement with the manufacturer orresponsible manner. hecancelsyou?Also,yourbonding3.If theownerdesiresalonger-term companycanlimit you by bonding thewarranty orIn1984Congressimplementedthe amount ofguarantee, it is readily available your long-term warranties.fromthemanufacturer.VirtuallyallHazardous and Solid Waste Amendments Below are several reasons for not signingmanufacturersofroofingsystemswillto revise Subtitle Dof the Federal Solid provide a warranty ofinWaste Disposal Act.Theserules, which more than a two-year MRCA warranty asten years or,some writtenby RobertP. Lyons, MRCA\'scases, longer.Normally it is possible forshould be implemented later this year, will tomethe owner to obtain either a "material only"affect the way all municipal landfill sites General Counsel.or a "labor and material" warranty.Theareregulated.Theserulessetforth manufacturer isa far superior position tominimum requirements for location, design 1.Roofingcontractorsshouldonlybein responsiblefordefectsintheirthe roofing contractor to administer andandoperation,closurerequirements, workmanship.Ifare any, they willimplement these long-term warranties.Thefinancialresponsibility,groundwater theremanufactureralsoa stronger financialmonitoring, and standards for corrective showwithinyears. This covers twoisin uptwoposition to respond ifroof fails.action with regard to noncompliance. fullweatheringcycles.Anyroofingthe problems arising after the two-year period4.Almostwithoutexception,roofingStudies by theof are almost always the result of materialE.P.A. conclude that 5 % contractorsaresmall,family-ownedpresent landfills comply with some of defects, overthe which the roofing contractorbusinesses. They do not have the financialmore restrictive standards and that only has no control.ability to provide long-term guarantees.30% comply withbasic rules. The the most 2. I am notofThe contingent liability resulting from suchobviousconclusionisthatalarge awareany other constructionguarantees would very quickly exceed thepercentage of the nation\'slandfills will subcontractor who provides more than anet worthalmost all roofing contractors.either be forced toclose or to undergo one-yearguaranteewithrespecttoitsof workmanship.Continued on Page2Continued on Page 3 8725RosehillRoad,Suite210,Lenexa,Kansas66215Phone:(913)599-6600Fax:(913)599-6500'