b", Union Local #149 and the Contrac NRCA Issues Call fornated roof systems must have b nF anofficialentryformand ee or tor Employer. The Governors of theDesign Entriesdesigned and installedJan. 1,more information about the award, after Scholarship Committee present theTheNationalRoofingContrac 2005,andentriesmustbepost visitwww.nrca.net,orcontact awards.tors Associationhas announced amarked by Dec. 17. Judging will beAmbikaPunianiBailey,NRCA's Initiated over 20 years ago, thiscall for entries forits fifth annualconductedbya panelofroofingsenior director of communications, programisanexampleoftheSpecRightExcellenceinD ignindustry experts selected by NRCA.at 800/323-9545, ext.7555 or eesSMRCNRoofers Union Local #149Award,whichhonorsthosewhoAwill be selected in latemail abailey@nrca.net. winner andSMRCA Memb Contractorsdesignenergy-efficient,environ January 2008. Thewinner will be er working to promote continued edu mentally friendly andlong-lastingannounced during aial awards speccationandtoencourageindustryroof systems according to acceptedceremonyheldduringNRCA's dependents to attendindustry practices.121Annual Convention Feb. 19-college.st Architects, specifiers,roof con 23, 2008,will receive a and$2,500 sultantsandroofingcontractorscashprize,publicityduringthe who are responsible for the designconvention, and acknowledgement of aroof system are eli inProfessional Roofingmagazine nominated gibleforthecompetition.Nomi- andNRCA'sWebsite,www. nrca.net.EconomicaEasy to AppTrainingSupport ualified Lead support@toppspr Iii 13"