b'- resi dent\'sArticle - l ~, ,- - - - , -MRCA Begins Regional Conference Series First conference to be held May 8 - 9 in Kansas City area By Kurt Steinkuhler, MRCA President MRCA\'s volunteer leadership has been hard at work to developnew benefits and services that will benefit roofingcontractors.Ourrecent efforts have focused on developing and promoting on services thlineat roofingcontractorscanuseto improve their businesses,such as thenewHRProonlinepersonnel Our first regionaltrainingandreportingtool,new ces resour fordownload from the conference willM Asite, and investing in theAt our January Board of Directorscalcula r. Chris Salazar will explain RC webtod lopment of an online wind loadmeeting, John Dalythat theLEED, E rgyenildbe held May 8-9eve reportedne Star, th Gree Bucalcu tor thatrelieson standardsfirst "Regional Conference" planneding Counciand other green roofingla I at the Sheratonestablished by ASCE instead of FM.byMRCA would take placein therelated issues. Helene Hardy-Pierce Your board of directorsput aKansasCity a andhedetailedof GAF w discuss warranties and Overland Park Hotel,hasrea,ill waysttornelot of consideration into betterthe approach that had been taken totheirimplications.A yDon todeliver quality educationalp ontracro6100 College Blvd. inthedevelopmentofprogramming,Rineer will present"Killer C t gramming. Forseveralyearsnow,promotion and tableexhibits. IfClauses"thatroofingcontractors top Overland Park,we have been dis g o ideawefindthatr contractorsshouldknowof,andreviewlocal cussin neoofing Kansas (southwesternthat we haveidentifiedasholdingrespond well to our effor ,maycasestudies.MRCA\'sT&RComts we great potential. The notion that weconsiderholdingseveralregionalmitteewillprovideanu ateon Kansas City).should offerregionaleducationalconferences each year.techn alissuesandpd current icconferenceshasbeenthoroughlyAlthough tabletop exhibits willresearch,ng residential roofbeincludidiscussedbytheboard,andI\'msponsoredbyindustrysuppliers,ing issues, ASTM, and MRCA studh announce thatare nowM regionalconferences are iniesofunderlaymentsandTPO appy toweRCA organizing the first of what we plannowaydesignedtoreplacethemembranes. series to be aof them.MRCAAnnualConventionandOur first regional conference will We appo aional Meet T Show. O g is to respondbeheldMay8-9at theSheraton inted"Reg radeuroal ingForce of which John Dalyto additionalrequests for localizedOverland Park Hotel, 6100 College Task," and Rod Petrick are co-chairs.educationalB .inOverlandPark,Kansas Theyprogramming.lvdhave been working in earnest on theO first conference willfeature(southwestern Kansas City). Regisur detailsregardingeducationalpro two full days of quality educationaltrationis$245forb days,or oth gramming, location and timing. Theprograms. The programming lineup$ 0foroneday.Registration 15regionaleventswillbeuniquewill include high-level seminars ofincludes theeducational seminars, MRCA "educational."importancetoexecu managerscontinentalbreakfast,breaksand conferences tive In the future, some conferencesof independent roofingcompaniesluncheachday.A receptionis mayfocusoneducatingroofingaswellasarchitects andbuildingplanned for the first day of the conpurchasers about what to considerowners.Althoughtheprogramisference. whenselectinga qualityroofingnot yet finalized, we have tentativelyIf you livedriving distance within contractorandroofingproducts.scheduled the following.ofCity,plan to attend Kansasplease However, fornow thefirst confer MarkGrah ofNRCAwillthisevent.F moreinformation, amor ences we organize will focus on thereview windcalculations,compar calltheMRCAofficeorvisit contractor, rather than his customer.ing1-29ASCE-7 and demon www.mrca.org. FMto stratingthenewonlinewind 3'