b'IINJOfficials Arrestedry. on Bribery Charges On Sept. 6, F agents roundedT probe was dubbed"Operationwhich wgs taken down the day of BIhe up11 New Jersey public officialsBroken."the a , said the firm specialBoards rrestson brib charges related to roof T FBIsetupan undercoverizedin urbangovernmentsand eryhe ing and insurance contracts follow in brokerage company thatAbbottschool districts.Thesite surance ing an18-monthoperationthatincludedundercoveragentsandpromotedCo l Solutionsand astaswept the state from south to nor two cooperating w , one oftwo affiliates thatled developth,itnesses handauthorities said.whomhadpreviouslyoperated ament and finance. One ofa litheffiT 11officials are accused ofroofingbusiness,accordingtoaates\'links featureda quote from he acceptingbribesinexchangeforstatementreleasedbytheU.S.Begg: "Coastal Development is all and agreeing to steer public contracts toAttorney\'s Office.about relationshipstrust. Their The roofing companycompaniesthatofferedinsuranceT sc boardmemberssuccessis rootedin experience hehool brokerageorroofingservicestoa ytookbribesfromtheand integrity." llegedland insuranceschool districts and municipalities,cooperatingw nesses,andtheThe defendants are charged with itaccordingtocriminalcomplaintsprobe widened whenboardeither conspiracy to extort corrupt brokerage were notschool unsealed with the arrests.indi members d ected thepaymentsor attemptingtoextort Their cooperating named in thev ualpaymentsrangedfromwitnesses to o icials inJer corruptpayments, offensesthat id ff north $1,500 to $17,500, according to thesey,ties said. They, in turn,carrya maximumpenaltyof20 complaint.authoriU.S.Office.directed investigators to other pub yearsjail and a,000 fine. Attorney\'sin$250T investigation probed n Iofficials, authorities said.T were released on $200,000 heearlyichey everylayer of government,begin The roofing company andunsecuredbond,meaningthey insurin feitatthey fai n g withthe Pleasantville schoolance brokerage were not named inwould for th amount if boardAtlantic County, and grad the compla t. Butrces close totokeep futureappearances, inin sou court uallywideningtoincludestatethe investigation,whorequestedbut were not required to put up any assemblymen, mayors and currentanonymity becausethey werenotcash or propertycollateral. as and former councilmen fromPas authorized to discuss details of the(Source: Jeff Whelan and Tony saic and Essex counties, a rdingcase, identified them as Aetnaof Kurdzuk, cco Ro www.nj.com) re on U.S. Attorney Christopher Christie.ingof T ntandCoastalSoluChristie and the FBI have madetions LLC, ofHarbor Township. Egg public corruption apriority inLast summer, Coastal Solutions top recentyears.T investigationb o outofthesame heeganperating lead g toin mid- address as Aetna, but sources said in the arrests began fronteferred 2006 as an inquiry into corruptionit was actually the FBIrinP ntville School District.tointhe complaint. Its Website, theleasaMETALDECKSUPPLY.COM ANYSIZE.ANYPLACE.ANYTIME. ,.I/All Types, Gauges, Finishes&Accessories In Stock For Immediate Use MIDWFST REGION:- Approved -AURORA,ILINDIANAPOLIS,INECK SUPPLY~~~Sr.Loms,MOKANsASCITY,MO FOR1\'WOR1\'8,TX 800.894.7741 "All steel deck manufactured~SOUTHFAST REG10N:1NC- Member-ffifi::\'~ Steel Deck Institute MembersKNoXVILI.E, TNfj;J,:l!iff0,_uCMaER GREE.\'JSBOR0 ~~~~s JACKSONVIUE,FL Cou1"BUS, OHM877.668.DECK (3325) T:ENNESSEE ASSO(.IATION OF FoR ONLINE QUOTING VISIT:www.metaldecksupply.comROOFINGCONTRACTOl!.S I6Ill'