b'1\\\'.IRCAMember Celebrates100Years, Wins Award market andemergedas a quality,abletocelebrateanoth notable" year has be an incred le erThisenibexperienced roofing applicator.achievement.OnJuly10,Wm.yearforo comp y,"said uran" Wm. Kramer& Son,Inc,K and Son, Inc. wasnamedKram "Celebratingour1 h Atramerer.00tnothing is moreimportant toourthe recipient of theUniversityanniversary as wellreceiving the 2007as re ess business than ourlationship withofCincinnatiGoeringCenter Tri Tri-StateBusin oftheYear our customers," commented com StateFamily Business of the YearAwardin the same year hasbeen pany President Stephen M. Kramer.Award.quite a thrill." "Withoutour lon rela Wm.Kramer and Son,Inc.is aWm.Kr & Son,Inc. og-standingamerffers tionships withour customers, ourfourth-gene onand sh its cu rsquality roofrati roofingeetstome superior businesswouldnothavebeenmetalcontractingcorporationing installations andu such prod cts nearly as successful over the paststartedbyWilliamKramer with aas those provided by Carlisle SynWm.&Inc., one of100 years."ladder anda wh . SinceTec. They standlytheir KramerSon,eelbarrow firm behind Ohio\'smostrespectedandsuc The employees andcommunitythat time, thehas evolvedemployees, productsservices, companyand cessfulcommercialroofingcon surrounding Wm.,and grown into allion dol placing safety and cu satisKramer and Son multi-mi stomer tractors,recentlycelebrateditsInc.celebratedtheirservice mile lar oper The Busin of thefac on astheir toppriorities.For ation.essti100-year anniversary in the roofingstone on Ju 14 by attending aYearAwardisgiven toa fam mo information,contactMalydin ilyrery industry.inWm.nercruiseaboardtheDestinybusin with under 1 p Kr at 513/353-11 or emai Established1907,ess00 em loyeesamer42I Kramer and Son, Inc. has capturedYacht.In addition to the1 -yearth has beenandMK @ o com. 00 atsuccessfulshowsramer kramerro fing.a large share of theOhioroofinganniversarycelebration, they wereleadership in the comm y. unitBack Talk~~ ~ ( ~(1[ r2\\Il!. S. Department of~~IJ,flLabor~}) statistics say that 20 per- ~ Jf\\~M cent of@f\',. \'.,:~ workplace illnesses.,and injuries are due to~~, - ~I back injuries.~ _;:.,. 1j~[)1 ~ Chances are you or some of your employeesJj :r5jf \'~ 1 /,tment~ sufferfrombackpain. U.S. Depar of;g ~1Labor statistics say that 20 percent of workplace illnesses and injuries are due to back injuries.back injuries are the most Employee frequent cause of days away from work, and insurance claims costs amount to millions of dollars each year. ry Whilebackproblemsmayarisefromacuteinju orillness,many long injuries develop over aperiod and worsen as the body ages. Often, the cause isto habitsbehavior that can be ch to improve back relatedandanged health and prevent serious injuries. Increasing awareness of these factors can workthe frequency of back injuries and illness. wonders in decreasing Posture - Good posture while standing, sitting, driving and sleeping can help align the spine and a idstress on the vo undueback.ets Lifting - Proper lifting techn and awareness are especially imporiquesAssts" tantwhose jobs include heavy lifting. for employees Exercise - Strengtheningmusclesin theback,abdomen, andlegs along with alar exercise routine helps protect the ba . regu ckHealthy lifestyle - Managing stress, getting enou sleep and rest, gh maintaining aweight and not smoking helps maintain althy healthyheaback.'