b'RCAUpd ateAft -=\'-a MRCA\'sHR Pro System Takes Off By Tom Knight, MRCA Services Director A~I 104,442EEOCviolationswereSo what\'st the an MRCA\'s HRProfiled during 2006.HR P Sys em!swer? 0\\Over 6 SexualHarassmentT roMRCAHRProSystem 5,000he claims were filed during 2006.enablesemployers ofall siz to es Alfirmative Humanresourceissues,regula Over 89,000 Race Discriminationmount an" Defense" as torycompliance, employeepolicycha filed indefinedbytheUnitedStates rges were2006. manuals,disciplinaryissues, AttorneyfeesandsettlementSupremeCourt,provingthatthe recordkeeping,safetytrainingchargesnowexceed$205,000company is doing "The Right Things Chances a these topics aren\'t yourper case.- The Right Way,"avoid reso you may favorites.All employers are subjecta c loss. to stateatastrophic esheequiUnfortunately, these issu mustandfederallawpertainingtoT listofr red regulatory be c fronted daily bycon e oyee and job specific train complianceandemployee training on roofingmplThe MRCA HR Protractors.Ultimately,atleasttwoing.issuesislengthyandincludes: questions arise for every employer. Em mustprovecompli EEOC;ADA;harassment; d System enablesployersiscrimi1. Are you willing to risk the future ofancewithemployeetrainingnation;OSHA; ADEA; specificjob employers of allyourbusin onjustonerequirements.training based on job title andjob ess employeelawsuitorserious EEOC regulationsemploye d es;testing; tracking;poofof holdrsutisizes to mount anOSHAliable for employee training.compliance -and the list goes on. violation? "Affirmative Defense"2. Do you want to be inianceHumanResourcedepartmentsWithMRCA HR Pro Systecompl them, with the law or not?m bewell-traineda well compliance trainingis deliveredin ustnd so you may avoid aAccording to aa theequip EnglishandSpanish, andtestin recentrticle inped. Kansas City Business Journal: Yourcompanypolicymanualrec are retainedin the catastrophic loss.ordssystem. Employmentrelatedlaw mustincludeinformationonaCurrent versionstefesuitsof sta andderal are one ofrisks towide variety ofimportant issuesemployment posters are delivered to the greatest the success ofbusiness,and be a ilable to your each employee via their "individual" yourva employwhile managing workers\'eesall times.home page.Training is delivered in a com at pensationissuesisa vitalLivetrainingtakestimeandconsistently correct format to each aspectcontrolling one ofmoney.ees absent for ill employeethrougheasy-to-underoftheEmployhighest costs of doing busi ness or vacation miss the trainingstand audio and video presentations. ness today.experienceandyourabilitytoWithMRCA R u Comtheeg latory establishanaffirmativedefensepliancesystem,nolongerwill againstemp -relatedlaw employees orhave to first loyee managers suits may be lost.o , andthentrackcurrent verbtain Instantaccessto a varietyofsions of employment-related fo , rmsemployee forms isimperative insuch as: today\'slace. W-4 workpvenllme E withafull-timehumanDirect Deposit Enro nt resourcesstaff,itisvirtuallyPayroll D ization eduction Authorimp tokn youarein Vacation Request Fossibleoworm compliancewitha lengthyand Job Application Form ever-changinglistofregulatoryEmployee Exiterview Intrequire . ments.and many more. Consider these facts .Weliveina litigioussociety.They are all at your fingertips on a essWhat\'sMRCAAnemployee-relatedlawsuitisBusin owners live with the risk of24/7 /365 basis.more, filed ev 81 seconds inUSA.catastrophic litigation over eprovides afreeine to aerythemploy tollhotl nswer Employeelawsuits have risenatment pra es, management activi employment-r questionsro~ ctic elatedfleast 14% in each of theiousties (employee train or thelackyour employees and manager ~) prev ings. 10 years.there , and the wrongful or illegalImagine I appliedfor awith of) job ac o ofyou today and committed to: ti nsemployees.'