b'GrandPrizeWinnerIs 0BOBHAUSMAN 0BoeHAUSMANWINS$500By helping MRCAthe more programs 1,grow, everyone is a winner. GRANDPRIZE!The larger the association, 0Bob Hausman, Hausman Metal Works &ofand services that yourto association is able provide. I hope that you will continue your comRoofing, Inc. St. Joseph, Mo., is the winner lflthe MRCA "Power of One" contest for 1995!mitment to expanding membership in MRCA. The contest was created to promote mem CONTESTWINNERSBob Hausman - bership involvement in the recruiting process.$1, 500 Grand Prize Winner -Everyone who sponsored a member in 1 995Portable TV - Jim Yanney, Guarantee Roofing was automatically entered into the contestand Siding Co., Sioux City, Iowa drawing. The winner was determined by ran Portable CD Player - Tom Boritzke, Langer dom drawing.Roofing&Sheet Metal, Inc., Milwaukee Thank you to everyone who helped MRCA to reach its largest level of membership EVER! MICADuesReminder The year 1995 was a yearmany changesMRCA dues are 100 percent tax deductible as of for your association. In 1995 we changed thean ordinary and necessary business expense. Midwest Roofer to meet your ever-changingThere\'s nothing ordinary about MRCA memberneeds. We introduced new publications, suchship. as the MRCA Benefits Manual and AllAs a member of MRCA, you will continue to Roofing Contractors are notreceive the latest information through Midwest Created Equal brochure. We continued programs and services, such asRoofer, participate in the MRCA Applicator the MRCA Applicator Agreement Program andAgreement Program, and take advantage of Watch. RoofWe introduced newMRCA Busi the many and varied programs and services ofness Management Forms and a health andfered by MRCA. You will also be able to take safety handout. MRCA continued its commit advantage of new programs being developed ment to the roofing industry by applying for andfor 1996. Being a member of MRCA also entiwinning a grant from OSHA to provide targetedtles you to discounted prices at the 47th Antraining on fall protection and updating thenual MRCA Convention and Trade Show to be MRCA CERTA program.held October 24-27 in Indianapolis. Thanks to the efforts of the MRCA Board ofWe hope that you will continue your memberDirectors and the membership, MRCA hasship in MRCA by returning your renewal form grown to its highest level of members, EVER!along with your 1996 dues. As a special incenThanks to your commitment to improving yourtive, contractors who return their dues paybottom line and the entire roofing industry.ment by December 31, 1995, will be eligible to MRCA is the largest regional roofing contrac win one ofgreat prizes in our twoyear-end tor\'s association in the nation!Thanks to you,drawing. You could win either: we are able to provide unmatched programsA free registration to the 47th Annual MRCA and services.Convention and Trade Show to be held OctoNow it is time again to continue your commit ber 24-27, 1996 in Indianapolis; OR ment to MRCA, the roofing industry and yourA free membership in MRCA - good toward company. The price of1997 dues! dues will remain the same for 1996. Justfor a regular mem Don\'t delay. Return your renewal form to $325 ber, and $425 for an associate member. YouMRCA today!If you have any questions about may also become a sustaining member by mak your membership, you are always welcome to ing a donation ofabove and beyond yourcall MRCA Headquarters. $150 regular membership dues. Remember that MRJanuary 967'