b'HEALTH&5AFE\'YPREVIEWROOFINGRECAP CONTINUED FROM PAGE3CONTINUED FROM PAGE6 though it does not fit your specific needs.check any and all labor agreements, negotiaOSHA is thinking of getting into the businesstions for which were completed on orfter athey were created to do, protecting theMarch 29, 1971. Further, the board has authorworking person, "partnering" with youity to check wage increases taking effect after and your safety personnel. DoesMarch 29 contained in contracts negotiated I~worry you? Are you ready forprior to March 29." this it? How do you feel about the IJiti:.~lother agencies who want theirFOURTHINTERNATIONALSYMPOSIUMON aii:own piece ofpaperworkROOFINGTECHNOLOGY ayour !:trail? The EPA, DOT, NFPA,Seven sponsors from around the world have I ~ ~DOL and countless otherjoined to present the Fourth International Syma.;.agencies. The industry isposium on Roofing Technology to be held at the changing, and more andNational Institute of Standards and Technology. more ofpeople you doOriginal papers are solicited for presentation at the business with everyday notthe symposium and publication in the sympoonly want to hear you aresium proceedings. The theme of the Fourth safe, they want to knowSymposium on Roofing Technology will be what you are doing to re- "Challenges of21 st Century. " the ltoHave youwrit MRCAOFFERS"POINTOFPURCHASE" main safe. been asked for your ten safety program latelyDISPLAYSTODISTRIBUTORS justbid projects? DoIn orderincrease membership in MRCA, to your some ofcustomersthe association has created countertop displays want to know what your mod rate is and whatwhich hold membership information about the you are doing to keep it low? Do you have aassociation. It is MRCA\'s goal to put a counterprogram that can adapt and change with thetop display on every counter in the Midwest. If times? If someone walked in and asked to seeyou are a distributor, or know a distributor who your program today, is it ready for review?would be willing to place an MRCA display on This year the MRCA safety program willthe counter, please contact MRCA Headquarfocus on the form, format, and resource dataters. available to help you formulate your own specific program. We hope to provide you with those tools you will need to piece together your own in-house puzzle ofASSOCIATIONNEWS a written safety program. We will try to clarify the new DOTCONTINUED FROM PAGE5 regu_lations on substance abuse testing and any our new OSHA rules that are applicable as ofcosts and get more business. program time. Our committee is working on a "new employee" checklist for the rules andTHENEXT STEP regulations new employees must know BE The next step is up to you. Training sessions FORE they step on the roof. Our last handoutcan be held almost anywhere in the area will be a list of the possible resource informa served by MRCA. If you are a member of your tion agencies, centers, and organizations tostate or local association, and would like a keep you current in the ever changing world ofmeeting in yourjust give me a call, and area, safety regulations.we\'ll set up a time and place. This is just one of Come ready to have your knowledge of thethe ongoing efforts beirig made by MRCA to fill safety aspects ofindustry "put to thethe needs of contractors, and to improve the our test." By actively participating in our program,entire roofing industry. For more information, you will have the opportunity to carry out moreplease feel free to give me a call. than just the traditional pile of paper! MR May967'