b'BYTHEWAY ."Oh, By the Way:"monthly, bi The insurance safety auditor says we need all z:You did make your weekly,De new safety lines .10-hour safety responJones didn\'t pass his monthly orsible party test! quarterly Fed~ral Withholding posit - didn\'t you? 0I thought you posted the OSHA Log as re- I thought you picked up the building permit? quired.Have I made my point? By the way - have you Do you have aCURRENTHazMat:gotten your Midwest Roofing Contractors AsList?sociationONE NEW MEMBERthis year? A Training Program?,stroRg association is critical for our industry, Prooftraining with signatures?and us as individual contractors! The Midof File with distributed and available MSDSs onwest Roofing Contractors Association site?is the Contractors Advocate~ Oh, by the WEJY, aboutname change. any Is it really necessary to document ourThere has NOTWILL NOT be one! A brief and monthly, weekly. daily "Tool Box Talk\'s?" Orevaluation ofof a numberabbreviation possibilieven have them? It seems like a waste of time!ties was made. None really worked, and the None ofone that worked the least was "Midwest your employees talk bad to each BYBosHUNTINGTONother do they?RCA". MRCAPRESIDENTThe OSHA man is on his way "TO HELPWe flave always been, and will always be, the US!"CMRCA) Midwest Roofing Contractors AssociWhat are we going to hav~ Don do now? Fieati6n.The que$t of new members and their won\'t wear his back brace and has been givenmixing up M,RCA, NRCA, Michigan, Minnesota, "light duty only" for two months and his attor etc., was the $Ole reason formatter in the this ney wants you to call him!first place. The result was print g~tting ahead of What are we going to do with our old safetyauthorization oruse ofterm approval inthe belts?"Midwest RCA". YOU SHOULD NOT SEE IT to This afternoon the auditor will be. backtalkAGAIN! with you!It was an idea suggested a bad idea) that Was that price $2,200 orgotof itself. No one intended the $22,200?a~ead Sam was late again today and I. told him eightchange of ourHowever, the organization name! times in a montn wasmuch, and if he wassimple fact is that ouris clpse to tooabbrevic;1tion late again this month I would have to give him a,,athers and there are mistakes. We must be verbal reprimand. Was I too tough?readily recognizable to potential new members, Clyde says he is quitting toRight andwantsour present members know who we are as do his check!many-others. But the fact is there are many Ajax says that price theywho do not recognize us because of quoted this morningthe simiwas not right, itto be raised 6 percent!larity of initials. Particularly so in the case of needs I thought you picked up the foremen\'s sign young or new contractors who are all prospecoff sheets?tive members! Do you really believe we need a writtenHopefully, we will be able to use our entire safety plan?name rather than our official, approved and unThe pankbe by in the morning to reviewchanged abbreviation. This step eliminates the will yourpossibility of error. I have been put to task by business plan! I thought Charlie had taken care ofseveral people about this matter that.and I assure What is this business about medical assis you it has been thoroughly discussed at all levtance on the crews?els. It was an honest errorwill not reoccur! that If we want this job we are g_oing to have toSo, if youorplease rel~x -arewere excited -change our overhead fig_ures orare going toand realize no change would have or wecould be too high!have ever been attempted withbut full approval That invoice you told me to hold and we paidand discussion. late - they added back the discount we took! MR March 963'