b'NEWSANDNOTES zNRCA HOSTSITS109TH CONVENTIONDIRECTORY MAILING SOON\'t be a sweep0The National Roofing Contractors Associa Watch your mailbox!It won it will be the 1996 tion hosted its 109th Annual Convention andstakes form you\'ll be getting, Exhibit February 25-28 in San Diego, and asMRCA Annual Membership Directory. The diwas evident to anyone who attended, the showrectory has gone to print and will be mailed the was a tremendous success!first part of May. All members receive a compliThe convention included excellent educationalmentary copy. Copies are also mailed to buildprogramming and sessions, a great presenta ing owners, consultants, engineers and other tion by Apollo 13 commander, Jim Lovell, andindustry professionals. The directory is a source an entertaining evening by "Tonight Show"of information about members. and about the host, Jay Leno. The exhibit hall was also a high association. light for exhibitors and attendees. The hall fea-BOARD MEETINGDATESu MRCAhave a board ofmeeting willdirectors on May 3-4 in Kansas City. The meeting is a normal meeting oftopics will the directors and include convention programming and planning, as well as general association business. Any information that a member would like to have included as part offor discussion by the agenda the directors must be received by headquarters no later than April 15.,,. tured the latest in products and services for a steady crowd of attendees. NRCA also hosted special events for affiliate executives and affiliate presidents that was both enjoyable and informative. On behalf of MRCA, congratulations and thank you to the staff and directors of NRCA for their hospitality and an excellent show. SCHOLARSHIPDEADLINENEARS The school year will be ending in just a few months, and now is the time to apply for a scholarship award from the MRCA Foundation. Scholarships are awarded to deserving students who plan to pursue, or are pursuing, a career in the construction industry. For more information, or for a scholarship application, please contact MRCA headquarters. MR April 96'