b'Q.In a built-up roof assembly, whatmaterial orto be used as the product intended is "double-pour?"base ply in a built-up roofing system. A.Double-pour is the process of applying two layers ofQ.What is the difference in composition bebitumen and aggregate in a built-up roof assem tween bituminous emulsion and bituminous .,,bly.What is a rake in steep roof ap- grout?of1) a suspension of A.Bituminous emulsion is (Q.minute globulesbituminous material in water plications?oran aqueous solution; (2) a suspension of in A.The rake is the slopedminute globules of water oran aqueous soluof a edge ofroof plane overtion in a liquid bituminous material Cinvert emulwalls. Roofing shingles orsion). Bituminous grout is a mixture of bitumiother roofing materialsnous material and fine sand that will flow into should slightly overhang theplace without mechanical manipulation when rake ortoheated. drip edge installed ensure that water drips clear of underlying construction. Q.What is the difference between a base ply and a base sheet in a built-up roof assembly? A.The base ply is the bottom or first ply in a built-up roofing membrane when additional plies are to be subsequently installed. Whereas, the base sheet is theBYBoeLACOSSE,CAE JoeINTERVIEWSANDTHEADA CONTINUED FROM PAGE4 must follow the same procedure with respectperform the job. to all entering employees in the same job cate These job interview rules need your attengory, regardless of disability. Medical informa tion. Call the EEOC and request a copy and tion obtained must be kept confidential.then make certain that the person in your orgaPrior to extending a conditional job offer tonization who is responsible for job interviews an applicant. the general rule is that you maystudies the new rules and reviews any written not ask an applicant questions on a written ap application forms that you have to make certain plication form orinterview about whetheryourthe manin ancompany is in compliance with the applicant will need reasonable accommoda dates of the ADA. tions to perform the functions of the job. However, you may ask whether the applicant needs reasonable accommodation and what type of reasonable accommodation would be needed to perform the functions ofjob if:(you the1 ) reasonably believe the applicant will need reasonable accommodation because of an obvious disability; or (2) you reasonably believe the applicant will need reasonable accommodations because of a hidden disability that the applicant has voluntarily disclosed to you; or (3) the applicant has voluntarily disclosed to you that he orccommodation to she needs reasonable aMR February965'