b'NEWS zMRCA,OSHAANDYouTHEMEETINGS 0I\'ve been getting a lot of phone calls aboutABOUTtraining sessions aren\'t lectures, the MRCA /OSHAProgramThe MRCA Targeted Training Grant lately, so I thought I would take this op they are meetings. Attendees are encouraged =cportunity (and fill some space in the newsletter)to ask questions and discuss different fall pre , by answering some of the questions I have re vention methods. The meeting covers the whyceived.who and what involved with fall prevention. A videotape is used to discuss the "why," then BACKGROUNDattendees are encouraged to discuss the Let\'s go back just a bit. MRCA received a"who," and the handout is used to discuss the Targeted Training Program Grant from the Oc "what."The entire program is fast-paced, and cupational Safety and Health Administrationwith a question and answer period. only lasts (OSHA) to perform fall prevention training forabout two hours. roofing contractors. The idea was that ratherTo make the meetings worth attending, attenthan making contractors travel to a central loca dees may keep their materials, but may also tion, we would go to contractors. Obviously weorder as many additional materials for training can\'t reach every contractor, so the best com as they like. For example, if company XYZ promise is to hold meetings in cities across theRoofing sends the safety director to a meeting, Midwest that are within reasonable travelinghe or she will receive a handout and a video. distance for contractors. However, as part ofHowever, if XYZ Roofing has 50 employees, the grant obligation, some training needs to bethen the safety director may order 50 more performed for other associations and organiza copies ofhandout and video to train their the tions not located in the Midwest.own employees. No catch, no cost. HOSTINGA MEETINGWHY ATTENDA MEETING? Problems arose when setting up the meet These meetings are not designed to be "do ings. In order to reach as many contractors asthis - do that" meetings. Instead, the meetings possible, we\'ve been trying to work in conjunc are an opportunity to receive useful information tion with state and local associations. Many as on fall prevention that your company can use; sociations hold annual meetings, or educationaldiscuss the fall protection rules and regulations seminars, and ideally, MRCA could be on thewith fellow contractors; make your comments agenda at one ofmeetings. If you wouldknown directlyOSHA through MRCA; and thoseto like to have a training session in yourseeget useful tips and training that you can use to area, about hosting a meeting through your local oravoid OSHA citations, lower your insurance state association. Meetings don\'t have to be:I(ONTINU ON PAGE7 huge, but need to average 50 orI I EO better. MAKINGTHEMEETINGS WORTHATTENDING._ ~ rJ \'~ I _~v BY THOMASJ.THOMPSONContractors are busy, and fall prevention isn\'t ~ , ,MR(AASSOCIATEEXECUTIVEexactly a new issue. The question was, how tow;i;:::, DIRECTORmake the meetings worth attending. The first step was to make the meetings free of charge. There is no cost to a contractor (unless your~ ~,;.,;:::1 local association charges for lunch, etc.) to attend a meeting. Furthermore, all of the materi ,~~~~ als are provided FREE to attendees. Everyone,:r- ~~~ 10"-."UIEII who attends a training session receives an easy)\'t~\',eJ:rl to understand handout regarding fall prevention,fI"6,\'- 11 J as well as a videotape to use as a training aid for their employees. MR May 965'