b"1996 v7196.PHMidwest RCA es.,.,.e WFC FDirectory Soontobe Published! ANentionallmembers! Ifhave riot reAewed your membership inMidwest RCAfor 1996, do not delay! By not renewing soon, you you run the risk of not being included in the 1996Midwest RCADirectory. This valuable resource tool will be sent to over 7,000 building owners, home owners and industry professionals. Don't be overlooked - renew now! If you have already renewed for 1996 - congratulations and thank you!Now it's up to you to ensure that your company's listing in the upcoming directory will be Gorrect and up to date. A direGtory listing update of your company was recently mailed to you. Please take a moment to review your company's listing and return it to Midwest RCAheadquarters with any changes. New Members Midwest RCA welcomes the following members who have made a commitment to membership inMidwest RCAfor 1996! Wayne's Roofing, Inc. of Sumner, Wash. McKee Construction Services of Kansas City, Mo."