b".Please complete the following information about the person you have nominated to serve as an - IllMRCA Director orComplete and accurate information will help the MRCA Nominationi- zNominee:making its de ___ ___ _ _____ ___ __________ .IllCommittee in_ Officer.termination and will likewise assist your nominee in receiving approprIlluate consideration. VI__ ____ _____________ _ _____ ____ __ 0sCompany Name:__ _ _ _ - - - _ - - _Address: - - -aiCCity: ______ _ ______ ___ _____ _ ________zaCity:_____________State:__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __.Zip:__ _ _ __ _ _CzDescribe nominee's service to the roofing industry: _ ___ _____- 0 0-. uli Illz - a oz Submitted by: ___ ___________ _________________Company: Please forward completed data sheet to: Ray Hoselton Union Roofing Company. Inc. Highway 66&Division Street Chenoa, Illinois 61726 6"