b"ROOFINGCONTUCTOR What defines a successful roMing6fare negative. They think it's everyone else. The ntrac-Itor? Enjoys his job. The reppr[si!lli!j:y: act hal- 'f opposite attitude of the above examples makes 1lenge of his orpdsiti~ p~ s t.b. ~person to be around. When our em-here stimu- better : I lus needed to be the o$ st he r she can oe.~ l~yees sense a negative attitude on our part, When a roofing contractoasses a,Jbb, they,Qfoess what their attitude becomes? One step ~Jcus-feel a sense ofpr and accomf)lish~ nt.f!J'er and it's not hard to guess what our II.Customers ca~ n tafk ~e~tfiem.:i_tamer's attitude becomes, or when! We can UIIfarepr agretwith'the abov~ st.ate. avoid many negative situations if we try and if you gener~ ments you~ bai!iy a~suc~essful roo1 e work at it! 1ng UIcontractor. This mayl'l().t'-ffl~YJ,_'t.Jhavemrefm~ot saying we should smile when we lose money t~an you need, b u~oo~~ ~ ,yopeople. e(:!t1i[2ment. profit orBut, it f ~ customers. Illever noticed people wllostf\\JOrthe , are~aISa1sciel'lificact, it takes fewer muscles to e ork upleasure to be around. arc~u.wantt ass~ i- smilt t~to frown. Moreover, common sense cf hea friends, employees or}4. e(} heck au{ ofiv.e oneLook at this as customers.-positivet a negatuate with them? This is true wH,eter theyar at\\ells usROSffive,gtl00a~approach beats titude is a great thing, it r1,,16s offm1 tl:iosebusess proposition 1~n - Wfn will beat Win . E_ ERY TIME! '\\ : I around us. Conversely/a_o~e attitwde em- [.;0se. or Lose - Lose,peti o_xb The anates just the opposite/ A negati~person isMidwest Roofing Co~tractvrs Association not fun to be around. ad brings ~own thosemember is a gooco. e(}ause he fnUIaround them.iliari?l(aresat5outolriinitlustry ancl supp0rts a profes-Do any ofsioal appro-ach~0oes yowbelong these sound f~ compelliho IThis won't work!-o our organization? Ifwhy? N1ake tem ~not. INo way we can. complet\\ this in th), betterlgnoraneeiit/a!te~ ble thing! timecqp1peti.tion. allocated.\\ I My superintent!ent h~.ihfea, buit s an probably won't work.\\ IWhat ifidea cloesn't wori, tnen what? your IWe've always do~itni~ way and that's how we're gain~50w. toit no1 1have time to Jist n tffyour idea! don't, 1IWe carf do this unless we nave better t people. IWe would be one ifdidn't hav8'Such -'\\J we rotten heJ ~' 1 1with these people! hate wor~ing IEver:yclay I work my butt off and all my: people do is watch 1 IIt's oAly Wednesday - twore days to go. BY BOBHUNTINGTON_.PJO,J'MaybeJ willrai ,thene won't have to go MR(APRESIDENTit; zout'7here again. IYou probably cado the job. but see wha you can do anyway. IBoy,, , I gladoe finished w1tf'l that amto nightmare. ITell them I'm out orto lunch and you gone don't expect me back! No matter how positive or how hard we try, we have all been guilty at one time or another of one or more of the above, or worse! The trick is to be aware of our~ attitude. Actually. a negative person isn't usually aware that the;y MRFebruary 963"