b'"\'-_ _ _ 1- r-e a_l _Co_r_n_e_r________ _ ____ ____ ______ ih 11 __ ~ Lead Disclosure-Residential Housing In 1 8, the Fede Govern OProvidethepurchaserorsure to lead from lead-based paint 97 ral ment banned theu oflead lessee with a lead hazard infor that may place young children at se on based paint in andresidentialmation pamphlet as prescribedrisk of developing lead poisoning. housing.Newregulationsnowby the EPA;L poisoning inchildren eadyoung requireindividuals receive@Disclose to thepurch ormay produce permanent neurothataser informationlead-based paintlesseethepresence of a logical damage,learnonnyincluding hazards before renting,orknown lead-based paint haz ingdisabilities,reduced buying reno pre-1978 housing.ards, in the housing,pro i tel igence quotient, be ioral vatingandn Ihavatase or Theregulations requireth vide to the purch rlesseeproblems, and impaired memory. before aor lessee isanyleadhazardevaluationL poisoning also poses a purchasereadparobligated under any contract toreport available to the seller orticular risk to pregnant women. purchase or lease pre-1978 h lessor;dThe sellerany interest in resious an on ing, the seller or lessor must:~ P the purch a 10 den lproperty is required to ermitaser-daytia real periodtoconductariskp the buyerany inforrovidewith assessment or inspection formation on lead-basedt hpain azBruske. ,thepresenceoflead-basedardsfromrisk assessmen or ts paint ha inspections in the seller\'s zards.possesRollrs&The regulations fu her requiresion and notify the buyer of any rtSpray Equithat every contract for the pur k lead-based paint hnownazards. chase and sale of any interest inAassessment or inspection risk ivapplicpre-1978 housinga afor possible lead-based paint foradHf\'s &G~g shall cont inhazns Safety &Lead WarningS and aardsisrecommen prior to tatementded rotection Equipmentstatementsignedbythepur purchase." ToolsTarpsBroomschaser that the purchaser has:Furthe the real estate agent, r, OReadthe Lead Warning State acting on behalf of the seller or 8\'ave time & moneyment and understands it con lessor of pre-1978housing is running from placerto place.tents;required toe u complians rence Just call or fax toll free and youreceivedleadthe @R ahazard infor with requirements ofnew regmation p andulations. order will be shipped the same day.amphlet; ~ H a10-d opportunityF eachviolation,a seller, You will like our low prices &adayor friendly customer service.beforebecomingobligatedagent or landlord canbe fined under the contract to p hase$10,000 initionfacing a urc add to DELAWARE#the housing to conduct alaw suit. risk forhe assessment or inspectionT new regulations went into VALLEYthepresenceoflead-basedeffect on September 6year of this PAIN"T~o.paint hazards.for owners of more than four resThe Lead Warning Statementidentialdwellingsandwill 363 West Glenside Ave., Glenside, PA19038m the followingtextbecome effective on D 6 ust containecember Call Todayprinted in large type on aof this year for owners of one to separate sheetofpaperattachedtothefour resid al for our Free Catalog!enti dwellings. Phone: 800-776-7613Fax: 800-776-0169contract:At least as to these new regu"Every purchaser of any in r lations, itis nolonger BUYER teCheck Out Our Specials on the Webest in residential real property onBEWARE r itisSELLER/ -rathewww.dvpaint.comwhich aidential dwelling wasLA RDWARE. res NDLO BEb prior to 1978 isthat uiltnotified such property may present expo-byJimWhittier ,MRCALegalCounsel'