b'New RIEi Staff RIEiRoofing Industry Edu Consultants, and co-ownership ofStaff are hap to welcor1 "\' the (Thepy cationalInstitute) is pleased toStyroSystemsandInsulationinclusion of J Teitsma c:i the erry announcethatJerryTeitsma,Systems of Georgia. Prior toRIEi Team. ownfullthe ar! RRC, has accepted atime staffinghisownbusiness,JerryRIEi offers state ofsemposition. Jerry is aingus worked for17years atDowinarsonroofingtechnology roof indtry expertwhohasanASinChemical, spanning roofing prod throughout North America. As a Chemistry, ain Wood Tech uct researchand development,n profit educational corporation BSonnology,aConstructionFieldTechnicalSupportandestablished inR i tec:r;hes andMS in1979,IEEngineering.has been aNationalRoofingTechnicalcorrect terminology and calculaHelong andRegistered time faculty member of RIEi,Expert. Jerry is aRooftions for every aspect of roofirg. wilnow be teaching many RIEiConsultant (RRC) with the RoofOver 20 different educational Iproseminars with the same expertiseConsultants Institute (RCI) andg sareoffered,inc l\'Jing ramand charisma he has o ered pasthas been involved in many roofingR T logy, Re-ro\'Jfing ff oofingechnomemberthe seminars as aoffac industryactivities,including2000, and Architectural CiLow ulty.Jerry wasrecentlyoneofChairman TC 4.4for ASHRAE,Slopetal Roofing. Me Systemsthree to receive CSl\'s J. Normanand P the Atlan Chap ForDetailscontactKristi resident ofta Hunter Memorial Award, interCSI.Ro 14 Inverness Drive East -recog ofgers, nition of exceptional achievementWhen askedhe feels aboutBuilding H, Suite 110 - Englehow in the advancement of educationhis move to RIEi, Jerry enthusias wood, C orado 80112. You may olthrough research and establish tically replied "Iited aboutreachherbyp neat am exc homent of the Atlanta CSI Scholar being aof RIEi and moving to303/790-7200, orm at Krisparte- ail ship F .D . Sin teaching ist i RI EI @ a o I .com , oundation enver ceenjoyJerry\'sin the roof ableroofing technology is ahttp://www.riei.org. involvementand ing industry includes ownershipfavorite topic,I can\'t wait to get of Pro 7and Roof Systemsstarted."TheRIEiRegentsand Reps FALLGet SHARP about Fall PROTECTIONProtection! Falls are by far the leading c of fatalities and catastrophes in theion business. F instance, from auseconstruct or October 1994 through Septemberi997 in OSHA Region 7 (Iowa, Kansas,and46 percent of MissouriNebraska), the fatalcatastrophic incidents occurred in the construction indu Of those, 36 percent involved a fall. andstry. To combat this, OSHA has issued aof standards, rules and regu that must be understood amyriadlationsnd pl youndto com ied with. As an employer,are responsible under the Occupational Safety a Health Actprcvide a workplace free from fall hazards that have the potential to cause death or serious physical harm to your en1ployees.essence, these government regulations have charged you w hnd and complying w h ,all proInit understa ingittection standards. Although time-consumingsometimes confusing, following these regulations can provide for tangible benand protecti them efits. Employees are your assets, andngcan save you money. When one of your e"l~ \'\'yees is involved inaccident, m leaves your pock There"direct costs" such as work compensation and anoneyet.areers medical costs, as well as "indirectsts" such as time lostto replacement anding someone else, m ed co duetrain issusct""tliTOF._._ OC( ni.A1.S,,rt1T Ht,1,\\.Tta:;r.wJH.,,_productivity, crew morale, loss etc. Continued o,; page"\'I'