b'lr- n_i_c_a_l_ & l_ s_ C m_i_t_t_e_e _ _______________ e_c_ h_ _ l e_ e_a_r_c_h_ _\'_o_m_ ,,, ASTM Update T last two meetings of ASTMmajority of the standards inplishedduetochairman\'s heComCommitteeDOBonRoofing,mittee E06 are now of little con iIto nabi ityattend. WaterproofingandBituminouscern to the roofing contractor soe D226- "Specificationfor s, Materialsheld on Decembera th meetin a Asphalt-Saturated Organic werettendance atesegsre 6-10, 1997 in San Diego, Calif.,no longer necessary.weFelt Used inRoofing and However, andonJune1 1 inwill continue to vote on the stan Waterproofing" and D4869 4-17,998 Atlanta, Ga.dar some concern to the con "Specification for Asphaltds of Asstatedin previousASTMtractors in Committee E06. ThisSatuOrganicFelt rated Updates, a endanceandtimealso applies toC16 onShingleUnderlayment tt Committee consumed by the roofing contrac Thermal Insulation and Commit Used in Roofing" - Considtors mainly involved Comm tee E05 on Fire Standards, whereer ion isgivencomitteeat beingto DOB and Committee E06 on Per we will vote on standards whenbine these twoand standards formance of Building Construc and where they affect the roofinground robining is planned testtions. This attendance was justi industry.toexaminefor"dimensional fiedof the standards andAs withmost ASTM commit stability". because test methods that are of concern totees, progress is slow,dD3617- "Standard Practice an Comthe roofing contractors.mitteeDOBisnoexceptioninfor Sampling and Analysis However,theworkonthefinalizing the documents that areofnewBuilt-UpRoof completelysatisfactorytoa Membranes" - The previous ll involved.ballot received negative vol Vecl oadersTherefore, thefollowingarerelating tounits of measuVacuum renewdard someofthelatestactivitiesofment. Aproposed stanOutpe rmCommittee DOB that thewith revisions were distributed rfo All!contractor Up to 600 squares per day and 1,000 feetmembers were involved with.and discussed. ThisreviThenew Quick return on investmentdiscussions at the June 14-17,sionshouldbecirculated 1998 meetings dealt with someshortly for voting. concerns of roofing contractors.e ProposedSubcommittee Space does not allow aonRoofingEquipment -complete summarization of all discussionsNRCA discovered that Garlock on the task groups and subcom was behind this proposed stanmittees. T , Ill list the workdard. Garlock understands the hus wiareas whereprogressisbeingconcern of the contractors on made (some slow):this proposed effort and fired Vector Technologies Ltd. a its Vacuum Engineering division have built ndD3161- "Test Method fortheChairmanLouisBarbe. industrial vacuum loaders for over 20 years. Vecloaders represent theWind-ResistanceofWhile this effort has been dismost advanced and versatile all-purpose vacuums available, combining unequaled power and reliability. The Vecloader\'s direct discharge allowsAsphaltShingles(Fan approved by the ASTM Execuunits to be on the job full-time - eliminating shoveling, hoisting, dumping,InducedMethod)"- NewtiveCommittee,NRCAmay and other multiple handling stepsociated with vacuum trucks and other ass tests reported to evaluate thewant to have this effort continvacuum systems. Vecloaders are available in a wide variety of powerwind resistan ofshingles.uedin ASTMthe concethewhere ranges to meet varied Contractor needs.Results to be available by nexttractors can watch itit wibe VECLOADER 616 ROOFERNECLOADER 624 ROOFERor11 VECLOADER 721ROOFERmeeting for possible inclusionaddressed in ANSI. in D Other items where much time 3161. Vecloader Va ums N & Used cu ewD3462- "Specification forwas consumed byntractor SalesPServiceRentalsthe coartsAsphaltShinglesMaderepresentatives (to name a few) : Vector Technologies Ltd.fromGlassFelt andSur800/832-4010414/247 -7100 Website: www.vector-vacuums.comfaced withMineral Gran Continued on page 1& E-mail: pres@ ules" - Not muchaccom-vector-vacuums.com'