b'RC ALegalUpdateITh,. ~ ~ - - \\9& -Potential gap inLiability Your Insurance Coverage In all likelihood,commer torsorsubcontractorspollutants; or your cialgeneralliability("CGL")working directly orindi (b) Claimor suitbyoron insurance policy c tains arectlyonanyinsured\'sbehalf of a governmental on pollutionu clause. Pollutionbehalf arengauthorityfordamages excl sionperformi operexclusion clauses first appearedations:becauseoftestingfor, in CGLin the mid-80\'s,i) Ifthepollutantsaremonitoring,cleaningup, policiesin responsetohazardouswaste/broughtonorto theremoving,containing, environmentalcleanupliabilitypremises, site or locationtreating,detoxifyingor resulting from thein connection withneutralizing, or in any way Comprehensivesuch EnvironmentalResponseCom operationsbysuchresponding to, or assesspensation and Liability Act ("CER insured,contractororing the effects of pollutants. CLA")passedbyCongressinsubcontrac ;Pollutants m nsany solid, tor ea1980.ii)lf theoperations are toliquid,or thermal irritant gaseous Apollution exclusiontestfor, monitor, cleanor, including, standardcontaminant smokesooclause provides that the CGL pol up, remove, contain,vapors,t, fumes, acids, alkaicy does not apply to:treat, detoxify or neutral lis, chemicals, and. Waste wasteize, or inrespondincludes materia to be r led, any waylsecyc(1) "Bodilyinjury"or"propertyto,assess theofreconditioned or reclaimed." oreffects damage"arisingoutofthepollutants. actual, allegedor threatenedSubparagraphs (a) and (d)(I)Tworecentcourtdecisions, do discharge, dispersal, seepage,not apply to"bodilyinjury"orone applyingPennsylvanialaw damage"ri nd migration, release or escape of"propertya sing out ofa theotherNew Jerseylaw, pollutants:heat, smoke orfrom ahave determined that claims for fumeshos(a) At or from anypremises,tile fire.bodily injurydamage or property site or location which is orAsused inthisexclu , aa egedly cau by con ruction sion ll sedstwas at any time owned orhostile firemeansonewhichmaterials beingu by a sedconconoccupied by, or rented orbecomes uncontrollable or breaksstruction contractor on the loaned to, any insured;out from where it was inten tostruction site are excluded from ded (b)At or from anypremises,be.coverage under the contractor\'s site or location which is or(2)Any loss, cost orCGL policies by virtue of was at any time used by orexpensearising~application of the for any insured or othersout of any:~tionexclusion pollufor the handling, storage,(a) Rq u e s t ,cla e. eusdisposal,processingordemandorThe case applying treatment oforder that anyNewJerseylawis waste; (c) Which a or were at anyinsuredorAetna Roofing Corpore time transported,d,others test for,ration v.Pennsylvahandlestored, treated,disposedmo nit or ,niaManufacturers\' of, or processed as wastecleanup,Association Insurance nydecby or for any insured or a remove, con Company, aision person or organization fortain,treat,of theUnitedStates whom you may be legallydetoxifyorThird Circuit Court of responsible;neutralize, orAppeals. Thein orfacts d)At or from a premises,inanyway~can be simnythe case site or location on whichrespondto,orplysum by marized a insured oryassesstheeffectsofContinued on page 7 nyan contrac-'