b'echnical&ResearchCommittee T&R-FM Update In October of 1997, Technicalallctors that affect the ofroval Standard for Rooffa installa the App& Research Chairman T Boll tion of Class I roof a lies. IningContractors,datedAugust omssembnow and Ia joint MRCA/addition,therewillberecord1997, FMintends toimattendedplement RCAsometime998. N taskforcemeetingwithkeepingrequirementsthatarethis programin 1FM. While aof items weresub toannualreviewbyYour T & Rmittee believes varietyjectcomdiscussed, the most interestingFMRC.Contractorswillbethat this standard, whenimplewas FM\'s "Approval Standard forrequiredtosupplyinformationm d, wigoFM RC\'s ente 11beyond Roofing Contractors." Since Fac recorded and logged to verify theintendeduseand will like be ly Researchommutory MutualCorporationexpertise and experience in theadopted by the specifying c contributes60 percent of theirconstruction of the specific roofnityto theirngire duegrowi des to ByDalylosses to improper installation, itassembliesorcomponentssimply re thesetypesof Johnference is th intent to initially train anddescribedforapproval.Suchstandards which shift certaineirbursubsequently review roofing con in includes: personneldens to the contrformationactor. tractorstybe familiar with,training, purchasing, equipmentYou are encouraged to follow abili to MRCaintenance deve darand abideby, F require m , individual assemblythelopment of this stan d ments when installing roof sys procedures, roof system historybylookingforfutureT &R tems on FM insured buildings.includingsubsequentmainte updates ormay obtain apy youcoIn a, if youto bidnan and complaintsmadebyofFM stan draft bylling nutshell wantcethedardcaa project fora FMRCinsuredclientscorrective measur 800/497-6722.certainly welwithes.We youstMRCAnyents client,mu be an "approved"Whileandother tradecome a comm in writing. contractor that has received spe associations have been asked to"Keep loo over your shoukinglcific training (by FMRC) outliningreview and com on Draftder." ment#3 ATSM Subcommittee on Roofing Equipment At the December 1997 meetingssafetyfor the proper andforeASTM. personnelreleas by of ASTMDOB on Roof safe operation,use andmainte There was ahy discussion Committeelengtin WaterproofingandBitu nance of alloffing equip on the prosdns of the develg,mi typesroo an conous Materials,in San Diego,mentasnormallyusedby theopment ofa. It was heldsuchstandardBy Bob Lacosse, CAEasubcommittee was formed.industry for theconstruction,determined th initsp d newsafeatroposedesign as D08.24, on Roofingmaintenance,repair, installationform the scope was too broad to be ated Equipment.and demolition of roofing systems.useful andtherefore waschanged Theactingchairmanfor thisThere were roughly 25 people atto read: new subcommittee was Mr. Lewisthismeeting,includingroofingThe standardwicoverthel 11 Barbe of the Occupational Safetycontractors,manufacture ofproper manufacture, operation, rsuse &Services,an equipment a materials,l and maintenance of roofing equipHealthInc.,co sult ndconsuingengineersfirmfromEdina,tants andgeneralinterest mem ment used for c truction, mainonsMinn.bers.tenance,repaira installationdn, osefing Mr. Barbe began the discussionA largepercentageof th anddemolitionofroo and at the meeting and distributed theattendingmeetingtherewaterproofing systems. thewere following proposed scope of themainly becauseofcon andFrom the abovesc , cernrevisedopes committee:curio ty. T prop effortit was dec dcommence witr ub si hisosedandide to Thestandardwillcoverthepossible standard is not the normContinued onge 10 pa6'