b"'-.J of revenue at stake is taken intoArk proposal;the comhowever, account. it should simply be con pany offered no tangible proof that sideredprudent.duediligence.it was aware of theof extentexistMore importantly, the customering roofing materials. nor did they sign views it as aof professional offer any supporting documentaism. trustworthiness.respon tionprocedures. andfor application sibility.Although Ark Roofing's quotaIn the case in point, the ownertion was the highest priced of the collectedthree quotes. The Arkthree bidders. we were awarded the Roofing, Inc. proposal called forproject because ofowner's past the removal of all existing roofing sys negative experiences and because rtemsdowntothedeck and theof Ark's impressive presentation. fou builtapplication of ar-ply-upThe building owner and her asso.roofingsystem.Theentire pro ciates commented that the winning posalwasfullychronicledandproposal was the most thorough supported with clear. understand and impressive proposalhad they abledocumentation.One of theever seen from ar of contracto any competingproposals wasrela trade. This example emphasizes tively inexpensive. but it called forthe importanceofpreparinga yet another layover witho anyproper investigation and thorough ut roofingmaterialremoval; thisp proposalinorderto roject notion was summarily dismissed.achieve aoutcom It successfule. Thethirdproposalspecifiedadoes pay to do yourrk. Examples ofdetail work and absence ofwork.homewopoordetailscope of work similar to that of the The opening letter is an intro explanation of exactly how a in nd ductiontoour companyandawhat quantity they w l be applied. ilforum topoint out anyunusualThe detail drawing section firstly conditions or aspects of the pro contains aillustrates drawing that ject. The proposal section is athe building's perimeter dimendocument with paragraphs of text thatsions. rooftop building's perimeoutline the following points: theterdimensions.rooftopequipscope of the work, the length andment, penetrations, parapet wal Is, extentofthewarranty,andthee Also included in this section tc. price and terms of payment. Thisare drawings indicating how each page also contains a paragraphroof detail will be dealt with. that ties the other pages in the pro The product literature section posal package to this document.includes information published by The performance references andthe manufacturers pertaining to the industryinvolvementsectionroofing products that are specified Finalincludes a list of contact namesin the proposal package.ly, and numbers of acustomersthe photographic documentation dozen we have serviced over the past tensection consists of mounted phoyears.It also contains copies oftographs withthat point captions association certificates. my pub out anything unusualany items or lished articles, anda varietyofof particular interest concerning rginformationchroniclingourthe project. In this case. o anic involvement in the roofing indus debris from overhanging trees was try.one of the documented points. The technical specification sec Compiling the above informatiliststhematerialstobetion may seem like aof work. onlot employed and gives aHowever,large amount thoroughwhen the Overhanging trees resulting in organic debris on the roof surface. 8"