b"r e:o id e nt sArticle Contractor Advocacy Parthe Course for As I sitdowntowritethisservice willbeexpandeduntil,ing industry as a wh There is ole. month's article, I amjustbackultimately, the entire MRCA familyno better way to do this than to get from atoOhio, to playof contractors will have an oppor- to know each other andshare tripAkron,to irestone golfatthe F Country!unity to benefit. We believe thatideas and knowledge. C b. Iat of FirestonethisservicehassavedroofingAndthemeeting lu wasgues finally,annual Buildingtheir Presidentcontractors significant premiumat Chicago's Navy Pier is beginProducts, David Grass, and Vice Presidentdollars this year by increasing thening to take shape w the variith of Sales John Larimer. What alfcompetition in the marketplace.o committees working hard on go us larger course!I haven't seen so muchWe also believe that aben- conventionprogramming. The water since the last time Ionefit for this service willplaceHealth and Safety Committee will wastake Lake Michigan! John had warnedwhen the insurance m hard- be working with equipment arketmanume to bring some extra golf ballsens and we again have problemsfacturers onroofingequipment for the course, which IIgetting multiplene propos- safety and operations. The MRCA did.man- re wal aged to get by with the sleevesals at moderate costs.Certified TorchApplicator proyou Firestonegaveme,alongwithAs MRCA members,mustgram (GERTA)expectstotrain some Ihased at the pro shop.be aware of some ofregulatorytwo hundred mechanics in torch purc the I really thinkWe played in two foursomes withissues, that are n safety at the convention. Both ot governmentof that roofmg peoplefiveotherroofingcontractors.issued, that could have a largethese committeesl be meeting wilWhat aof people. I~impactonyourin Kansas City to coordinate these great group~ are among thereally think that roofing people arebusin Yourimportant programs. TheBusiess. nicest people that,agement among the nicest people that youassociationness Man Committee is you meetinlife.meet in.ofce you?stroofing/~vitslegal,working to bring you aa ing life Don'tthroughcompreSpeakinggolf andItechnicalandhensive programon org nizDon't you?people, Ire ived all from1/Iresearchdepart- for success. The NRCA has grajustca / Davein Madison, Wis- ments,ared - ciously volunteered to put on a Tilsenediconsin. Dave got his fir holecatedto keepingverypracticalprogram onthe NRCA inone yesterday, and~youabreastofdetails of theroofing and heisjustifiably~theseissues.waterproofing manual. All of this proud of this feat.PThesereportswillalong with the help of the Chicago Isupposethis/_bepublishedin theRoofingContractorswill prove willmakehim~ - MidwestRooferandwillthisto beour bestcon tion cocky, and If be valuablereadingforeve venwillt;.e- r. have to listen toal.b::- you.See you in Chic , in O ago ctomonth the whole new round of Iowa jokes!This,MRCA affiliateber. For the first time this yearrelations committee will be send-some ofourmemberswill receiveaing Doug Richardson to meet with business insurancelthe Florida R ing Contractors proposa fromoofMark Nauser of MRCA InsuranceAssociation;Dennis Runyan and &Incoming year, thisand Ed Williams to meetthe Bonds.thewith Western States Roofing Contractorsat their respective Association conventions. This is part of our belief that all of the roofing contractor associations in the United States should work to benefit their roof-individual members, and the byJohnDrew ,MRCAPresidentltila"