b'ConcernedSafety? About SHARP! Get SHARPThef and Health AgendaThe program works in the fol each member of the group, from TMSafety forRoo ingProfessionalslowing manner:whicha customizedcorporate (SHARP) program began as aAcontractors - typi safety manualsafety program group ofand pilot program by aof ninecally 6 to 10 - formsa safetyis drafted. group centralKansasroofing contrac cooperative for the express pur MRCA\'s SHARPprogram tors. T is now enteringpose of sharing the expense ofdirectorconductsanon-site his group their fou year of participation inprovidingsafetyservicesand"Safety Audit" ofmember of rtheach ing the program.train for each member of thethe group for the development of The excitingnewsis that thegroup.Eachcompanyin theeach company\'s. safety programworkers\' compensation modifica groupassignsanindividualSHARP staff then develops a tion rate for these compa haswithin th company to act as thecompany safety manual for each nieseir - on average - decreased by overSHARPSafety Coordinator.participant. MRCA performs an 15 percent since the program\'sThe groupof aann audit and update,perretains the servicesualand program inception\' SHARP is anythingCooperativeSafetyDirector,sonally visits allparticibut new.It was fieldtested andwhose jobis to work for everypants to ensure their program is proven before being introduced tomember of the group.su current. MRCAb and accurateMRCA\'s membership.mits aled questionnaireMRCA\'s SHARPprogram detai to and full-time staff work a year ll ensure long tothat program pc Vecloader Vacuumsticipantsremaininformedana current with federalregulations Outperform All!pertaining to OSHA,EPA,DOT Up to 600 squares per day and 1,000 feetandotherpertinentregulatory Quick return on investmentrequirements. The SHARPis takprogram roofing theing industry by storm! AlthoughMRCAoffersmany valuable b and services to enefits its members, many roofing contractors have expressed a desire tojoin MRCAbecauseofthe SHARP program alone! Do not Eng miss out on this significant memVector Technologies Ltd. and its Vacuumineering division have built industrial vacuum loaders for over 20 years. Vecloaders represent thebership service.CallMRCA at most advanced and versatile all-purpose vacuums available, combining unequaled power and reliability. T Vecloader\'s direct discharge allows800-497-6722. Ask to speak to he units to be on the job full-time - eliminating shoveling, hoisting, dump Craig Atkinson or Mike Erkhe and ing, and other multiple handling steps associated with vacuum trucks andGetSHARP! inwide other vacuum systems. Vecl oaders are availableavariety of power ranges to meet varied Contractor needs. VECLOADER 616 ROOFERNECLOADER 624 ROOFER VECLOADER 721ROOFER Vecloader Vacuums New&Used SalesPartsServiceRentals Vector Technologies Ltd. 800/832-4010414/247-7100 Website: www.vector-vacuums.com Vector-vacuum.com E-mail: pres@10'