b"SHARP Cuts Into OSHA We were on the lastof a, square-foot project with only aarea remaining to be r ofed. day30 000smalle-roThe warning lines were already down and loaded on the truck when two OSHArsiving to inspecto dranother job observed our project and b n video taping. Threelater the mail b ngs a cita on -ega weeksri tiS H R R Paviolation. serious We asked OSHA forinformal hearing with o SHARP Safe Director to be present. Armed with our anurty employee pocketdocument afSHARP fall protection program,cardsing training, a site-specific s ety plan, which ourdirector hadprior to commencement of the project, safetygenerateddocumentation showing that our SHARP Safety Director had onjob inspections, and o overall safety program, we impressed OSHA w our theurithcommitment to safety and negotiated a min n ious citation. oronserIf it had n been forSHARP program,the extensive documentation proving ourmitment to safety, we prob would ottheandcom ably h h aio viola alo with the w yat if anoth citationthe same violation wouldwithin three years, it aveadser ustion,ngorr th erforoccur would be aviolation. willful veryreem theARProgram The SHARP program paid for itself within ashort period of time. We a glad to be m bers ofSH p for both improving ourfety record,providing the written documentation and current informationsurvive in thefing sa andrequired torooindustry today. Chip Cornell, President Cornell Roofing &et Metal Co. SheIndependence, Mo. Chip Cornell is aof the Kansas City S group formed in mid-1997. He is one ofMRCA membershave memberHARPthe manywho rog ik Ehrke already discovered the value of participation in the SHARP p ram. Don't get left behind!Call SHARP Director M eat 800/497-today! 6722 AInvestment Sound MRCA membership is au investment in the future of yourmpany.Ifyou have not so ndcoreturned your directory member update sheet with your investment infor 1998, please MRCA respond without delay. T directo sh t is usedupdate youring in the MRCA Annual heryee tolistD ry, w chll beshedy 1.CA m b hipdelin if not received by irecto hi wi publi Ma MR em ers becomesquent February 1. 11;15"