b"oofingNews J IRWC Education Foundationand d of operations, beforecultu Library at L P She irectorralooseark. Awards First Student Grantbeing named president of Fire was active in foun and served ding The Roofing &stone Industrial Products in 1 .as President of Kansas City C pWaterproofing992 haCon ts Education Founda Grass also serves as ater of Young Audiences, and parsultan corporate sisternumber tion, aorganization of thevicepresident for Bridgestone/ticipated actively in aof Institute of&Firestone, Inc.other charitable andorRoofingWaterproof civicganiing Consultantsawardedzations. (IRWC), Maryyons its first Student Education GrantIn Memory ofLduring the Annual IRWCingMary McClellan Lyons was the Roofer&Waterproofing Symposium inwife of Rob t P. Lyons, former L Vegas.MRCAExecutiveDirectorand as Michael S. Thompson, aL l Cou 1 Mccawthird ega nsel and979 year student at the U ofley Award Win of you niversityner. As some Texas at Arlington, was the firstmay already know, Mary fought recipient of the newly developedcancer for several months. She sas program. The grant is designed topassed away in Kan City on assist andencouragequalifiedTuesday, Feb. 24,at the age 1998 studentsto furtheror continueof 70.Internet News their interest in selecting roofingMaryandRobertlivedinIf you haven't already, be s _ ureand waterproofing consulting asKansas City,Funeral Servicesto check out the Midwest Roofin~ Mo. pendingFr 27,tractors aor continued career.were heldiday, Feb.at St.Con Association Web Site Three additional grants will bePaul'sEpiscopalChurch,40that http://www.mrca.org. awarded in 1998. The program isand Main Streets. In lieu of flowfundedin part fromdonations.ers, the family su ts contribu Sister Roofing Associations ggesAlliedSignal,CalisleSyntec,tions in Mary's name to:on the World Wide Web Firestone Building Products,Young AudiencesM RoofingAssociations GEany Silicones, IKO, Stevens Roofing4601Avenuehave sites on the Internet, soMadisonme Systems and Sonneborn/Chem Kansas City, MO 64112of which you may wish to visit. As Rexcontributedtothe fundin(81 531-4022promised in the last issue of Mid6) thiscont1997 and 1998.Acknowledgment will be sent towest Roofer,is ainuation Mr.Lyons for all memorialof our list of a iate roofing conRobertffilFirestone Building Productsgifts.tractor associations on the web. Welcomes New PresidentMrs. Lyons was born in Springhttp:/www.nerca.org - North/ On Feb. 27, Firestone BuildingGrove (near York), Pe lvania.East R Contractors Assonnsy oofing Products named David Grass asAof Vassar College andciation graduate itsnewpresident.GrasshasYale School ofshe com www.rirca.org - Rhode Island Nursing, served as president of Firestonemenced her career in 1951 teach Roofing Contractors AssociaIndu Products since 1992.ingnursing at theoldGeneraltion strial Grass received his bachelor ofHospitalonHospitalHillinwww.rcasocal.org - Roofing arts degree from DePauw Univer Kansas City.r her fourContractorsAssociationof Afteraising sity, Greencastle, Ind., in 1967.children, she became aSouthern California research .arcbac, HejoinedFirestoneIndustriallibrarian in the Kansas City Pub wwworg - Associated David Grass, President Firestone Building ProductsProducts in 1968,served aslic Library System at the Down Roofing Con of the andtractorsBay the company's president for thetown andPlaza branches. AfterArea (San Francisco) past six years. He assumed esca retirement she volunteered as a lating responsibilities, includinglibrarianattheNelson-Atkins director of sales and marketingMuseum of Art and at the H i-oriContinued on next page 8"