b'14 New Technology6 WEARABLES ENHANCING CONSTRUCTION WORKER SAFETYConstruction wearable technology is becoming trendy on job sites Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryall over due to its ability to enhance safety as well as comfort for workers.Onceanoveltyintheindustry,wearableconstruction technologyhasbecomeapartofeverydaylifeforconstruction professionals. H ardhats,shoesandotherconstruction gears have become multi-faceted thanks totheirmergingwithtechnology.These wearables are making job sites a safer and more productive place to work.Here are some new products you should consider testing at your job site:IllumagearThe HaloConstructionworkerscannowwearthis 360-degreepersonalsafetyandtasklightto make sure that they can see and be seen at all times. The Halo fits on any standard hard hat; installitbypressingdownfirmly,whichallows the spring tension system to secure it onto theMode, which involves a personal revolving light surface. It will stay on, regardless of the type oftailor-madeforthosehighelevationjobs. Also, work youre doing. Furthermore, the Halo comestheres Task Mode, illuminating the work area in in four modes. There is Halo Mode, which makesfront of you, as well as Dim Mode to turn down itvisiblefromoveraquarter-mileawayandyour light.shownacross360degrees.YouhaveHi-Alert The InsulatorApril 2021'