b'The Ultimate BUSINESS SECURITY CSIA 11CYBER SECURITY: Protection RANSOMWARE IN2021By: Jack Gerbs QuanexusThe average cost per incident increased from $5,900 in 2019 to $8,100 in 2020.The average loss caused by downtime from a ransomware attack increased from $141,000 in 2019 to $283,000 in 2020.The estimated total cost of ransomware attacks DUCT & PIPE SEALING SYSTEM almost doubled year over year increasing from FlexClad is the multi-layered, flexible jacketing system R ansomware attacks were on the rise$11.5 billion in 2019 to $20 billion in 2020.in 2020, and all indicators suggest theOften small and medium sized businesses are that protects critical duct and piping against the toughest trend will continue in the new year.targeted because many of them do not have the environments. This self-sealing and easy to install product Ransomware is a form of malwareresources to defend against an attack. Small not only protects, but outperforms all other competitive designed to encrypt files on a device, rendering anybusinesses accounted for 43% of all cyber-systems on the market today. Backed by a 10-year warranty, files and the systems that rely on them unusable.attacks in 2020, and 70% of small businesses FlexClad is the ideal solution at any extreme. Malicious actors then demand ransom in exchangesay they are not prepared to deal with a cyber-for decryption. attack.UV Stable, Weather Resistant and Waterproof ThemostcommonmethodsusedtospreadIT Security demands change quickly, and many ransomware are visiting a compromised websitesmall to medium sized businesses are not able or clicking on a malicious link or attachment in anto keep up on their own. Take the time to find a email. We saw a dramatic increase in ransomwarereputable company to help you bridge the IT gap. when users went remote last April, but expertsYou may also want to look into purchasing Cyber expect the number of attacks to continue to grow.Security Liability Insurance. The investment up Statistically 40% of victims pay the ransom, andfront on prevention may just save you from an criminals used 2020 to perfect tactics. Basically,expensive loss down the road.allmetricstrackingransomwareincreased Sales Repsdramatically in 2020. In Q3 of 2020 we saw a Needed in50% increase in ransomware attacks compared Visit www.flexclad.com for free FlexClad Samples Select Areas to the first six months of the year. email info@mfmbp.com for more informationwww.flexclad.com800-882-7663 csiaonline.org'