b'ANNUAL PRESIDENT S REPOR T | 13MRCA Mission StatementThe Midwest Roofing Contractors Association (MRCA) is organized to help members succeed by providing advocacy; education; networking opportunities; and being an active resource for members with technical, business management, safety, and legal advice.I n 2015 the MRCA Boardupon year overMRCA volunteer leaders of Directors went throughyear.a strategic planningWith this roadhave given countless process facilitated bymap in hand forhours working to help Aileron, a national center forthe association, entrepreneurs.This processyour MRCAthe association succeedfocused on developingvolunteer leaders a timeline-based projecthave giveninvestment.This summary by project plan for thecountless hours workingis a brief description of all association.It puts in placeto help the associationthe work being done by the not only one-time initiativessucceed and each MRCAassociation on your behalf.but also associationMember find value and processes that can bebenefit in their membership continued and improved'