b'The YCC FrontGRASSROOTS TOOLKIT: THE ROOFERS VOICE ON IMMMIGRATIONKevin GwaltneyAs you may already know on November 20th, President Obamaan all-Republican Congress.Republicans may move forward laid out his plan for executive action to implement severalwith a series of narrow and targeted bills, such as bills focused changes to the current U.S. immigration system.The executiveon border security, employment verification (mandatory action makes changes to the existing Deferred Action forE-Verify), hi-tech visa program, and possible others.However, Childhood Arrivals program, which was originally authorizedthe big question for the roofing industry, will be whether they in 2012 for certain individuals who were brought to the U.S. asmay get to legislation that would create a lesser-skilled visa undocumentedminor children and establishes a new programprogram to help meet the needs of our industry?that will provide deferred action from potential deportationUnfortunately in todays political environment, politics is for adults who are parents of children who are U.S. citizens orabout arguments and persuading our elected officials.But its lawful permanent residents.The executive action plan givesalso about the number of supporters willing to stand up and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) up to 180 dayssupport a given position.There are many ways we can make from the date of issuance to set up an application process thata difference at the grassroots level.The following provides us will enable persons who may qualify to apply to participate. with just a few toolkit ideas for roofers to voice their opinion Thus the application process will likely be in place sometimeand join the battle for immigration reform.And remember in the late spring of 2015.It is expected that the DHS willto bring your most persuasive ammunition by telling your issue guidance that will be helpful to employers who may havestory:how your business works, what steps you take to recruit individuals in their workforce who may apply for this programAmerican workers, why you hire immigrants, what immigrants or who may have program participants seek employment withcontribute to your business, and how they support jobs at your their company in the future. company and local economy.Based on the Congressional changes in 2015, the outlook for immigration is extremely uncertain right now and will beKevin Gwaltney is president at Diamond Roofing in Manhattan, greatly influenced by how Congress deals with trying to rescindKS, and is the chairman of the MRCAs Young Contractors Council. the Presidents executive action early next year.What we doHe can be reached at kevin@diamond-roofing.com.know is that a comprehensive reform bill is highly unlikely in 12 www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer'