b'CERTA NEWSO n-the-job training methods typically focus onprogram trains experienced roof system installers on application skills without adequately addressingthe safe use of roofing torches used to apply polymer-safety concerns. The need for focused safety trainingmodified bitumen roofing products. CERTA training addressing torching activities became apparent. Inshows how proper roof system configuration design 1986, the Midwest Roofing Contractors Associationand application techniques can result in fire-safe (MRCA) in conjunction with industry organizationsinstallations.(the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association, andAt the MRCA 66th Annual Conference & Expo last United Union of Roofers, Waterproofers and Alliedmonth in Kansas City, MO, 28 individuals attended Workers) developed a curriculum to train roofingthe CERTA Train-the-Trainer course and 8 individuals workers in the safe application of torch-applied roofattended the CERTA Applicator course.systems. This program was named the CertifiedFor more information, contact Roofing Torch Applicator program.Bob Pope, MRCA Executive Director at: The CERTA training program is ideal for contractors(800) 497-6722 or mrca@mrca.orgwhose work involves torch applications. The full-day 25'