b"is likely that you will be told that you cant retaliate against thecredit.newly documented worker just because they lied to you to getIf you want immigration reform, it probably will bea job in the first place. President Obamas action or nothing for as long as he is Of course, there are other proposals that are out there thatPresident.While you can hope for the best, whatever you could supplement, amend or replace President Obamas actionconsider that to be, I would not recommend including plan.It is possible that Congress will pass a bill that it viewsimmigration reform in your future workforce plans.as better than President Obamas action and that President Obama might actually sign that bill into law.The odds on thatSteve Watring is a founding partner of the Dayton, Ohio law firm would be about the same as a successful Hail Mary pass in aof Dunlevey, Mahan & Furry, where he specializes in assisting hail storm, and again, we are entering a presidential electioncontractors and other employers in labor and employment matters.cycle.Candidates and parties will be pandering to their constituents (or in the case of undocumented immigrants-would be constituents).This seldom lends itself to any kind of compromise lest, heaven forbid, the other side share in the Improveyourbusinesssafety6DIHW\\\x035HVRXUFHV\x0f\x03,QF\x11\x03LV\x03D\x03QDWLRQDO\x03VDIHW\\\x03FRQVXOWLQJ\x03FRPSDQ\\\x03FRPSULVHG\x03RI\x03D\x03JURXS\x03RI\x03VDIHW\\\x03SURIHVVLRQDOV\x03GHGLFDWHG\x03WR\x03GHYHORSLQJ\x03DQG\x03LPSOHPHQWLQJ\x03UHJXODWRU\\\x03FRPSOLDQFH\x03DQG\x03OLDELOLW\\\x03 performanceGHIHQVH\x03VWUDWHJLHV\x03WR\x03SURWHFW\x03FRUSRUDWH\x03DVVHWV\x11\x03 by6HUYLFHV\x03DQG\x03([SHUWLVH \x03-RE\x036LWH\x036DIHW\\\x03,QVSHFWLRQV\x03 ,QVWUXFWRU\x03/HG\x037UDLQLQJ\x03 partnering26+$\x03&RPSOLDQFH\x03$VVLVWDQFH\x03 &RQVWUXFWLRQ\x036LWH\x036DIHW\\\x03 with us. 26+$\x035HFRUGNHHSLQJ\x03 6DIHW\\\x033URJUDP\x123ROLF\\\x03'HYHORSPHQW\x03$FFLGHQW\x03,QYHVWLJDWLRQ\x03 3UHTXDOLILFDWLRQ\x12&HUWLILFDWLRQ\x03$VVLVWDQFH\x033URMHFW\x03\x036LWH\x036DIHW\\\x033ODQ\x03'HYHORSPHQW\x03 0,&&6\x0f\x033,&6\x0f\x033(&\x0f\x03,61HW\x0f\x03\x03RWKHUV12 W. Vermont Street &RQWUDFW\x036DIHW\\\x03'LUHFWRU\x03 Indianapolis, IN 46204 800-641-5990 &LW\\\x03RI\x03,QGLDQDSROLV\x03:%(\x03&HUWLILHG\x0f\x036WDWH\x03RI\x03,QGLDQD\x03:%(\x03&HUWLILHG\x0f\x03:%(1&\x03&HUWLILHG\x0f\x03\x03 www.safetyresources.com ,1'27\x03'%(\x03&HUWLILHG\x0f\x03,$&(7\x03&(8\x03$XWKRUL]HG\x033URYLGHU\x03www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 17"