b'Gapping is zapping your Gapping is zapping your Gapping is zapping your Gapping is zapping your Gapping is zapping your bottom linePut me bottom linePut me bottom linePut me bottom linePut me bottom linePut me to work instead!to work instead!to work instead!to work instead!to work instead!No gapping needed, just butt and go with No gapping needed, just butt and gowith DensDeck Prime roof boards. DensDeck Prime roof boards. I can be No gapping needed, just butt and go with No gapping needed, just butt and go with No gapping needed, just butt and go with butted tightly together when installing DensDeckDensDeck Prime roof boardsDensDeckPrime roof boards. I can be . I can be . I can bePrime roof boardsI can be butted tightly together when while competitive gypsum fiber boards butted tightly together when installing butted tightly together when installing butted tightly together when installing installing. while competitive gypsum require gapping and precise measurements.while competitive gypsum fiber boards while competitive gypsum fiber boards fiber boards require gapping and precise while competitive gypsum fiber boards DensDeck Prime Roof Boards are the require gapping and precise measurements.require gapping and precise measurements.measurements. DensDeck Prime Roof Boards require gapping and precise measurements.clear choice for cover boards that are DensDeck Prime Roof Boards are the DensDeckPrime Roof Boards are the are the clear choice for cover boards that DensDeck Prime Roof Boards are the easy to install and dimensionally stable. clear choice for cover boards that are clear choice for cover boards that are are easy to install and dimensionally stable. clear choice for cover boards that are Get it done and onto the next one with Get it done and onto the next one with easy to install and dimensionally stable. easy to install and dimensionally stable. easy to install and dimensionally stable. DensDeck Prime Roof Board! DensDeck Prime Roof Board!Get it done and onto the next one with Get it done and onto the next one with Get it done and onto the next one with DensDeck Prime Roof Board! DensDeck Prime Roof Board! DensDeck Prime Roof Board! Go toIAmDensDeckPrime.com to learn more.to learn more. Go to IAmDensDeckPrime.comGo to Go to IAmDensDeckPrime.comIAmDensDeckPrime.com to learn more.to learn more.to learn more. Go to IAmDensDeckPrime.com2015 15 GeorGeorgia-Pgia-Pacicacic G Gypsum LLC.ypsum LLC.DENSDECKDENSDECK andand the the GeorGeorgia-Pgia-Pacic logoacic logo ar are e 20trtrademarks ademarks oowned bwned by y or lior licensed censed to to GeorGeorgia-Pgia-Pacicacic G Gypsum LLC.ypsum LLC. 20are 2015 15 GeorGeor20gia-Pgia-P15 acicGeoracicgia-P G ypsum LLC.Gypsum LLC.acic Gypsum LLC.DENSDECKDENSDECKDENSDECK andand the the GeorGeor and gia-Pgia-Pthe acic logoGeoracic logogia-P acic logoar are e ademarks troademarks wned bowned by y or liowned bor licensed censed y or lito to Georcensed Georgia-Pgia-Pto acicGeoracicgia-P G ypsum LLC.Gypsum LLC.acic Gypsum LLC. trtrademarks www.mrca.orgMidwest Roofer 21'