b'HARPUpdate Tool Box Talks - Make Them Worth It Frank J. Marino, CSP MRCA Safety Adviser "The topics are not relevant" Itisunr todiscussfall ealistic protection52 wee aThere ksyear. are otherthat need todisissuesbe cussed. If a topic maynot seem applicableatthepresenttime, maybe it has been in the past. Asa supervisorinch of arge deliveringthe ToolB Talk, it ox wouldserveyou well to review the topic for the week prior to the preswillyouomentation. Thisallows e The following istime to identify a p situation that ast As many ofk Mh You can handafter thedid deal with therrent topic. Ya list ofmostyounow,RCAasout checkscu ou thegiven alook to the weekly ToolToolx T is.canalsousethe strategylisted newBo alkcompleteBox Talks in 2008. Weeklyimporta thingfrom Tool Box common concernsThentto rememberabove and solicit information Talksareoftentheonly trainingistowork it around yourbusyyour crew. alongstrategiesmany employees receive on aschedule. Fin an effective timeKeep inthat this do not withregu dingmindes designed to assistlar basis.will result in anl B need to be more than 10 - 15 mineffective Too ox In an effort to increase the effi Talk.utes. There are more ha on a zards field supervisorsinciencyofthesetrainings,MRCAjobsite52 T l Boxca-""\'\\ thanoo Talks conducting effectivehas identified supervisor concerns"Nobody pays attention"cover.By combiningyour exper, _) astheyrelatetodelivering theseOne of the best methods for ence and a I ittle thought ahead of gettraining sessions.training modules. T following is ating your crew to payis totime, applying any safety topicl heattentionwillist of the most common concernsgettheminvolved. Oftentimes,simple. alongwithstrategiesdesignedtoasking a memberof your crewif assist field supervisors inuthey have had any issues with the"I don\'t feel comfortable cond ctingtraining sessions.currentwill n get themlecturing my crew on safety" effectivetopicot only butnewyo use involved,bring adynamicDon\'t lecture - Lead!!! Ifu "There is never enough time toto thethe Tool Box Talklisted training.approaches do it"Employees will respond to top above,will never find yourself you Tool Box Talks are not designedicscan relate to. F examp lecturintheyorle,g. tovery long. T reason they areif fall p tection istopic, maybeIn many cases, ToolBox Talks behero the done on abasis is so theyyou ask an employee about fall pro are thelygoing training some weeklyon onberevcanquick and easy. They shouldtection concerns on a p ious job employees ever get. It is worthwhile not take more than 10-15tes,site.Youcanalso askwhatto iden fyways to increase the minu themti new at a time that is convenient.they learned from it.effectiveness of whathasbecome It is important toermine whenDo not be mis this is notstandard industry practice. det taken, the best time todothe ToolBoxdesigned to single anybody out. ItIn other words, there is no sense Talk is. Maybe it\'s first thing in theisdesigned toin participa in trying to reinvent the wheel, whcreaseen chputlllimorning, or maybe at lun time.tion. There is no need toanyonea it needs is a ttle adjustment. The other im couldon the spot. Youwant theirRemember,yourfieldsuperviportant factorsimply be the day of the week. Monday mayideasthat will ben it theentiresionis thekey to su fuland ef ccessbe effective because you can dis groupandcreatea muchmoreeffec TooBox Talks. tiveI cuss other objectives for the week.effectiveining. traAnother option cou be pay day. ld'