b'HARPUpdate Enforcement Policies - Vital Keys to Success Frank J. Marino, CSP MRCA Safety Adviser TheMidwestRoofingContrac When aisor is faced with supervtors Association recently completedthe decision to"enforcetheproits secondregionalconferenceingram"byremovinganemployee Park,violation OverlandKan. The attendancefrom the jobsite for aand was good (even on athat wastherefore jeopardizing the producday 75degreesandsunny!)andfea tionschedule, youmaygetthe turedexceptional attendee partici commonresponseof"just wear pation.them from now on" with little or no The safety and health discussionfollow-up. This response not only wasbasedonfundamentalsofweakens the program, it also sends effectivesafetyandhealthpro the mixed message to the rest of the An enforcementgrams,inwhichI discussedthee loyees on the crew that safety mpmaincomponen I wasnot10is important only wh it is conprogram includests.en minutes into the program when avenient.I donot believe supervi 1. BeConsistent- Anemployee systematic,concernedbusinessownerintheisbut they asors want thto happen,can sensewhentheyarenot front row came out with the ques may be set up for failurethebeing trea the same as their fromted consistent, andtion Ianticipating before Ibeginning with anineffective pro fellow workers. waseven quantitative programboarded the plane toKansasCitygram.2. Makeit Fair - It hasbeen my that morning:/in my employees,Anenforcem tprogramexperiencethat evenin cases tra enthat is applied toIthem all the right equipment,includesaic,consistent,where employees do not like t~ buysystematemployees.andtheystilldonot followtheand quantitativeprogramthat isprogram,theirperception of,.I rules!"a iedtoemployees. Mostpro beingwill win theirppl faircommitThe question(which wasreallygramsconsistofm ment. ulti-tiered moreof awasgreetedaccountability systems that include3. Keep it Simple-Doget in the statement)not with au erstandingsteps such as:habitof makingexceptionsfor mutualnd from the rest of the attendees. Iplan 1st violation -verbal reprimandcertaininstances.A traditio l wasnaning to address thisissue later in 2nd violation -written reprimandfour-stepprocessshouldtake theprogram,butbasedonthe 3rd violation - mandatoryinto consideration ajority of safetymacrowd\'s reaction, It right totrainingyourleviolago it.foreseeab program One key fundamentalan effec4thlation -suspension or ter tions. ofviotive safety and health program is anmination4. Training - Ensure that you train effectiveen program.Thelistedapproachprovidesallemployeesontheen cforcementfor etoat Contrarypopular belief, enforce contractorswithseveraladvan ment program so they know whment does not always meaningtages. It provides ato holdthey can expect. fir means an employee for not wearing safetyemployeesaccountable"mak The development and implemenfor glasses or shuttinga lec ing a mistake". If that same "mis tation of this programbe easdownndmay turinga crew following anOSHAtake" happens three more times, weier said than done. As aof matter inspection. It has been my experi could all agree that employeefact,Iagree that it is. Howmaywould ence that enforcement programs failnotberightforyourcompany.ever,I havenever workedw a ith too oftenbecausemanagement isHowever youchoose tospell outsuccessfulprogramthatdid not not set up foryourenforcementprogram,have an effective enforcement polsuccess. remember these important points:icy as part of its fou tion. nda4'