b'usinessManageme nt New 1-9 Form Aversion of the 1 form was[The1 form isil- try Permit and an unnew-9new-9ava expired released7 with an updated listab by link from the MLARefugeeTravelDocument Nov.le ofacceptableformsof employeewebsite- l\\~asproofofiden and identification. The list wasr www.T .com)\\~fworkeligibility.tityrs evisedheMLA ))Employein 1996, but new 1 forms have justT new forminstru ~~bewelladvisedto -9hects would now become available to employ employers they m not acceptmake sure they are not accept-ay ers. The D of Homelanda Certificateof U.S. Citizen- \\1ingthesedocumentsand epartment Securitywillbegin enforcingtheship, ar of Natural- \':j.beginusingtheupdated1-9 Ce tificate new requirements in lateization,an AlienRegistration~forms immediately. December., " eenReceipt Card, an unexpired R -Immigration Work Permit Tracking Tool Businesses, facing aAbout 23,000 busin acrossT emp isgivena letter, governmentessesheloyee crackdownonhiringillegalimmi the countryp icipatein thepro available inE lish andSpanish, art nggrants, now h one more tool togr and2,000 are signingthatexplainsth theph didn\'t aveamaboutatoto wor er\'s status.Gonzalezidhelp them verify ak up every month,sa .match and details a process to conThe Citizenship and ImmigrationIn addition,theDepartmentoftest the discrepancy. Services have unveiled athatHomelandSecurityis workingonIn a p otprogram,most of the systemilmatchesphotographsfromgreenr that wouldrequire allmismatches r ted from problems egulationsesulcards and other immigrant work new federaltractors toE within fromtheSocial" per con use theformation mits against amore thanVerifysystem. A draftof thenewSecurity Administration, such as a database of mill sedda14ion picturesruleswilllikely berelea earlypersonnotup tinga changeof If the photos match, the em n saidi Ratliff, deputyname th marriage or a ployerext year,Gerr roughchange will know that the personisusingassociatedirector oftheNationalof legaltus,officials said. sta USCIS his orown card, not alen orS and R rdsVerificationOnlyabout5percentofthe hersto ecurityecodoctored one, federalsaid.Directorate at USCIS.inquiriesresultedin people being officials vol rejectedcontesThe photo system is part of a If anemployee\'s photodoesn\'tultimatelyor nevertun r em verification sys match, the company has eight daysing the mismatch. tee ployment temknownasE-VerifythattoreportthediscrepancytotheBusinessesandcivilrights comparesemployeeinformationDepartment of HomelandSecurity,gr h argued that the qua! oupsaveity againstmillionsofgovernmentwh investigates within two days,ofgovernment databasesposesa ich records.she said.problem. C tinued on next on page METALDECKSUPPLY.COM ANYSIZE.ANYPLACE.ANYTIME. All Types, Gauges, Finishes&Accessories In Stock For Immediate Use MIDWEST REGJo.-:- Approved -AURORA,ILINlIANAl\'OUS,INECK SUPPLYSr. I.oms, MO KANsAS CITY, MO~ FoRr WORTH, TX~ 800.894.7741- Member-FOR ONUNE QUOTING VISIT:J Sotm1EAST REGION:,NC~ffiffE\'~ KNoXVIU.E,TNREENSBOROG f1iM www.metaldecksupply.comACKSONVllLE,FLoLUMBUS,OH CBIRMINGHAM,AL~~ 877.668.DECK (3325)TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION OFAll steel deck manufactured by Steel Deck Institute Members"ROOFING CONl"RAt.TORS IOIii'