b'Highlights Qf DenverLAXALTI) (continued from page Tuesday is the traditional day forBytime Mr. Laxaltfrom anexpandedspouseprogramandtheretired the Senate1987,was atpinthis year is no exception. The City ofinhethe Denver has arich frontier heritage.nacle of power in American politics. The tour will include a view ofYet,thissonofanimmigrant NinthsheepherderfromtheBasque hill Park,groupmiddlecountryof France,lefthisseat of Streeta quaintof classVictorianresidences,nowapowerinfluencesimply landmarkarea nestledamongtheandbystating atretirement academicbuildingsof Denver\'shisannouncement, "My Auraria Campus.WewilldrivebyBasquesoulcriesout formore someoftheoldmansionsonfreedom." "Millionaire\'s Row," once occupied byPaulLaxalt was borninReno, the gold and silver barons and visitNevadabeganpolitical career andhis the Stateitswhenwas Capitol, withdome of24- heelected District Attorney karat gold,andgoontotour theof his home county in 1954.He beGothic Victorian mansion of\'ThecameLieutenant Governor in 1962 the UnsinkableMollyBrown."Lunchandfouryearslater waselected will be held at The Denver CountryGovernor of Nevada. In 1974 he beClub and the group will end the daycametheonly Republicanin that Molly Brownwith a tour ofbeautiful Larimer"Watergate year" to win a U.S. theSenate Square Shopping area -where Den seatheld by a Democrat. previously SPOUSE PROGRAMver began. Those whowish to stayIt wasn\'t long before Senator Paul DETAILSand shop may do so.Laxalt becameanationalpolitical DiscoverWhatYourHandwritingleader. Heleadershipin Denver promises totheof thetookrolesthe besiteTells About Youfight against the treaty to turn the mostexcitingspouse\'sprogramPanamaCanalovertothe plannedMRCA hasarrangedforValerie for MRCA. Activities includePanamaniangovernment,in anopportunityto have your hand Briggs, Graphologist, to do a presen tougheningcrime statutes, writinganalyzed,toenjoyatation on the science ofFederalin graphology onrelaxing onerousregulations, presentation about Molly Brown, toMondayafternoonand WednesdayFederal viewtheState Capitol,toshopatmorning. She will also do individualin fighting commonsitus picketing \'\'Larimer Square, and to have "Highhandwriting analysis for those whoandinopposingthe"race-track" \'Aea"at theworld famousBrownwantwhathandwritingbasing mode for the l\\.1X missile systo knowtheirtem. Palace Hotel.reveals about them. TheOutrageousStyleof MollyOrganizing Your LifeBesides his renown as a prominent BrownU.S.Senator,PaulLaxalt became Onmorning WednesdayMelly Kin knownasoneof RonaldReagan\'s Thisonewomanshow beginsinnand the "Organization Woman" willclosest friends and advisors. Senator Molly Tobin\'s birthplace of Hannibal,help us put ourpriorities (andourLaxalt servedas Reagan\'snational Missouri.Dressed in acalicodresslives) straight. Good ideas and wayscampaignchairmanin1976,1980 andstrawhat,Mollyexplainshertoput themintoeffect will be theandPresident 1984.Reagan\'s respect reasons for leaving home.InLead focus oftalk.for Paul herLaxalt\'s political acumen was ville, her costume becomes fancier asfurtherdemonstratedwhenthe sheto secure herby attemptsfortuneMEMBERSHIP PLAQUESSenator was asked toserveas the marrying a man who will make one.TO BE DISTRIBUTED J.J. Brown fills theandATGeneralChairmanof theNational billMolly per Republican Party, a positionwhich CONVENTIONin suades himtomovetoDenver.he served from 1983-1987. During thispoignant recountingofForthoseMRCA memberswhoRepublicansandevensome the life Molly has lead one realizes ithave yearned to have something toDemocratshim isnot nearlyasglamorousorashangthe wall showinginter urgedto consider runhappy as she hadontheirning forPresident.Heformedan hoped.est inandsupportof theroofingexploratorycommitteein1987 but Walking Tour and High Tea at theindustry we have the answer. MRCAdecidedduefmanBrown Palace Hotelwilldistribute membership plaquesagainst runningto to all members in good standing. Thecial considerations. MRCA has arranged for a guide tosolidwalnut plaqueswillacknow Paul Laxalt continues to be an intakespouses on a shortfromformal advisor to the President and thewalkledgethosecompanieswhichhave Regency Hotel tobeen members for at least 10 yearshis views are sought out by several the Hyattthe world renownBrownPalaceHotelwhereand 20 years, as well as those whichprominent national figures. High Tea will be served in the grandare more recent members. manner.Therewillbeachanceto ~ ewafewoldDenver landmarks,The membershipplaqueswillbe together with some special new ones,distributed from the MRCA memberand hearabitof Denver history.shipboothatnextmonth\'s Along with tea there will be a shortconvention. Rememberstopand toby history ofBrown Palace.pick up your company plaque. the Page3'