b'FEDERAL COURT IMPOSES A "DECREESHIP" ON DffiECT FROMPHILADELPHIA ROOFERS\' UNION ADffiECTORThe UnitedStatesDistrictCourtLiaison Officers" as may be needed to for the Eastern District of Pennsyl enforceitsdecision.Thecourtas vania has imposed a "decreeship" onsumesdirectcontrolofallunior_.1 Roofers\' Local 30-30B which freezesexpenditures, has ordered an audit of the union\'s assets and suspends allthelocal\'sfinancialcondition,and bargaining for 60 days.hasbarredpaymentofanyunion The local has been under federal in fundsorbenefitstotheconvicted vestigationformanymonths.Informer union officials until the court January of this year, the local\'s busi has determined the legality of such ness manager, Stephen B. Traitz, waspayments. sentencedto15yearsinprisoninThe court has also limited the numwhatfederalprosecutorshaveber of union negotiators to three in chargedwasoneofthebiggestmost cases and forbids any negotiatmunicipal corruption cases in recentingintheRoofer\'sunionhall,in years.Otherformerunionofficialswhich contractors had testified they have been sentenced for lesser terms.were beaten to enforce payments that Several public officials, including 14wereusedtobribepublicofficials. judges;- have-been accused of accept Given-testimony t-ha-ta-t-le-a-s-t one,coningbribes,andeightofthejudgestractor had been pushed off a roof, the have been removed from office. Traitzcourt added that "The Court Liaison and 14otherformer unionofficialsOfficer shall not permit negotiations Gerald Sadlonalsoface trial on a state racketeeringto take place on the roof of any buildKehl & Nelson Roofingindictment alleging hundreds of actsing." Company, Inc.of intimidation and violence.When the court permits bargaining Racine, WisconsinJudge Louis C. Bechtle, in imposingto resume, the Court Liaison Officer CLEAN ROOFSthis unprecedented remedy, invokedmust countersign all agreements but A clean roof is very important aftertheRacketeerInfluencedandCor will not participate in the negotiation ourworkiscompleted.Mostcus rupt Organizations Act (RICO) whichprocessunlessinducementsof fear, tomers really don\'t know much aboutauthorizes district courts to order theintimidation, threats or violence arP roofing, other than what we tell them."dissolution, or reorganization of anyreportedinthecourt.Theunio\\ When the customer is taken up on theenterprise"torestrain violations ofnegotiates contracts for its more than roof to observe your finished product,the Act. Under the order,the court2,000 members in Greater Philadelwillappointa"ChiefU.S.CourtphiaandpartsofNewJerseyand whether it be built-up or rubber roof Liaison Officer" and as many "DeputyDelaware.ing, there should be no evidence of tar gloves,bitsofinsulation,paper,or empty containers.Drainsshould beFAX MACHINES ONE OF THE HOTTEST ITEMS ON cleaned and gravel raked out so thereTHEMARKET are no piles. One of our efforts, for eye appeal, isDuring the last year, the use offac their best customers. The investment to paint rusted vents or pipes. Thesimil (fax.}.machines .by cntractorso paysoff inincre-ased- aml- .e-xclusi:v.eowner usualTy sees alrtnis and doe"s\'hasburgeoned.Asoflastspring,sales. not comment about the installation oftherewere600,000inplace,with the roofing. The finishedproduct ismore than 1 million expected to be in Fax machines speed up the pace of what counts and it pays off tohavestalled by 1990.doing business and, because they pereverything done right.mittransmissionduringoffhours, We make it a point to clean aroundOne sheet metal contractor has sixwhen telephone rates are lower, they the building area roofed, also. If it has 1 in each of his offices and 1 at eachare cheaper than using the phone. been windy, we clean the grounds andof his job sites. Although he has hadSelecting a Fax lookaroundtheneighborhoodforthem for only 13 months, he is firmly debris. Where access to roof requiredconvincedhecouldn\'tdobusinessContractors contemplating buying us to cross over lawns, we have had towithout them and wonders how othera fax machine should be sure it satisreplace grass with sod or grass seed.contractorsdo.Dittoforothercon fies their business needs and that it is tractors,who havecometorelyoncompatible with the other units with Try to install pride in your men tothemtoordersupplies,processwhichtheyexpectto communicate. leave the job clean, as if it were theirchange orders, adjust bids and evenThere are three basic groups: ownproperty. Anotherthoughtthesome lobbying. \'We fax stuff right intoGroup 1 is the slowest. employeesshouldkeepinmind,isWashington, D.C.," says one contrac Group 3 is the fastest. that the owner of the company or per torwhohasseverallegislativeGroup 3 can transmit to Groups 1 and son in charge of the roofing project isinterests.Someparts\'wholesalers2,but1and2cannottransmitto paying for their salary. have begun to buy fax machines for (cont. on page 4) Page2'