b'September, 1988 TAMARRON RESORT BECKONS CONVENTION ATTENDEES .Away from the hustle of the main """ ~Convention those participants plan"ninganescapetothepeaksand \\canyons ofRocky Mountains will the Tamarron find the sensationalResort ~waiting forthem.Tamarronisnot only a splendid mountain resort, it is one of America\'s greathotels. resort Nestledinover800acresof a dramatic mountainterrain, Tamarronofferstheultimateinresort uAUL LAXALT TOactivities.Achampionshipgolf course,indoor/outdoorswimming "-\' pools, a health club, and tennis courts ADDRESS CONVENTION\'SawaitOr your pleasure.for those whotion in Denver. We will flycommerby OPENING LUNCHEONprefer, therehorseback riding, fish cialdirectly from Stapleton to isairlines AUDIENCEing,hiking,ortouringthebackDurango for four days and nights of country by jeep.relaxationandentertainment with WhenJohnPalmerof the TodayMesa Verde Park\'s ancient Indianthehave madethe roofShow was ordered by the Executivefriends youin Producer ofNBC to bethethecliff dwellings are within a short dis ingindustry.Thisisagolden "onair"tance ofresort. Historic Durangoopportunity to continuesharing week of October 10 instead ofthetheof speak is only minutes away with a whiffideas with those key figures involved ingthe MRCA.\'s Openingof atLuncheonpioneer days still in the air. Shoppingin the industry. at the Convention, we wondered whoand diningexceptional delights wecouldscheduleonsuchshortareinSendinyourregistrationform notice. We were fortunate to discoverthis friendly western town.TODAY to reserve your place for this Whatever youin thisoutstanding adventure. PaulLaxalt\'swillingnesstosharefind to domagnificent resort, you will want some ofexperiences with our con to allow histime for aride on the Silverton narvention attendees.row gauge railway. This train winds When Ronald Reagan was electeditswaythroughtrulyspectacular President of the United States, Paulscenery on the way to the mountain Laxalt wascatapulted intothe na mining town of Silverton. tionalspotlight.HesoonbecameAttendees will have an opportunityINSIDE known as "the First Friend." of theto peek into the future ofroofingPage nation\'schief executive.ButPaulthe industryasMRCA\'sTechnicalAd Rocky Bleier Laxalt\'spublicacclaimisowedto. 2 muchmorethan his closepersonalusPrez Sez visor, Rene Dupuis, guidesthrough . 2 relationship with President Reagan.the technicalissuesthat await theSafety Program 2 roofing industry ofHe willtomorrow. Long before Ronaldcame toSpouse Program Reaganofferviews of thethat. 3 hisissuesawait \'Vashington,D.C.,Paul Laxalt hadusandwillbringtogethertheMembership Plaques \'-developed a well-deserved reputation. 3 opinionsof the participants at thisExhibitors asoneof themostsubstantive,meeting 4 trustworthy and respected membersThis post convention mountain adofUnited States Senate. theventureimmediately beginsfollowing (continued on page 3)the conclusion of theConven-Annual Pagel'