b'Safety CSIA 9clean lights ensure you can see and other driversOnce you leave, keep a safe driving distance from can see you.the car ahead of you to allow more time to stop.If youencounteranyslipperyroads,slowdownto Emergency kit preparation maintain control of the vehicle.Accelerate, brake An emergency can occur at any time during winterandsteersmoothlytoavoidskidding,asabrupt weather.Preparing for those emergencies with aactions can cause you to lose control.Avoid using survival kit is vital to employee safety.Be sure youcruise control, as it can make it harder to control have a kit for each vehicle in your fleet.The contentsthe vehicle.If you find yourself in a skid and driving of an emergency kit can vary, but at a minimum, ita front wheel drive vehicle, ease off the gas and should include: steer into the direction you want to go.If you are operating a rear-wheel vehicle in a skid, maintain 1.Blankets,steady pressure on the accelerator, turn the steering 2.A first-aid kit,wheel in the same direction the rear end is moving 3.Flashlight (with working batteries),and correct the course once the skid has ended. 4.Jumpercables,(alsoconsiderstockingLastly, keep an eye open for black ice.Black ice is vehicles with a portable car battery jumper), hard to see as it blends with the road. Be cautious 5.Ice scraper with snow brush, in areas prone to it, such as bridges, overpasses 6.A shovel along with traction material (such asand shaded areas.If you hit black ice, remain calm, sand or kitty litter), and do not brake suddenly.Instead, keep the wheel 7.Bright cloth or emergency flares, straight and let the car pass over the ice.8.Fully charged phone with a charging cable and a backup battery.If you find yourself stranded, its crucial to stay calm.9.Snacks and water. Your vehicle can provide warmth, so stay inside. Remember to run the engine intermittently for heat Safe driving techniques andensuretheexhaustpipeisclearofsnowto Its crucial to practice winter weather maneuvers onprevent carbon monoxide buildup.Use your cell ice or snow, but always in a safe environment like anphone, bright cloth or emergency flares to signal empty parking lot during daylight. This allows you tofor help.Staying calm in such situations can help rehearse maneuvers slowly, such as steering into ayoumakerationaldecisionsandtakenecessary skid to understand how your vehicle reacts.Drivingprecautions for safety. CENTRAL STATES INSULATION ASSOCIATIONthe vehicle in icy conditions in the parking lot can also give you a better understanding of stoppingBypreparingyourvehicle,adjustingyourdriving distances.If your vehicle has anti-lock brakes it ishabits, and staying aware of changing conditions, better to stomp on them and if you have non-anti- youcansignificantlyreducetherisksassociated lock brakes, its better to pump them.The parkingwithwinterdriving.Remembertoprepyour lot is a great place to practice.vehicles for the winter weather, supply each vehicle with an emergency kit and train employee on safe Whendrivinginwintryconditions,remembertodriving techniques.All these practices will prepare drive cautiously.Prep for the drive by setting upyour team for the winter.Always prioritize safety, your GPS or music choice while parked to avoid theand remember that arriving late is better than not temptation to do so while driving.Check weatherarriving at all.forecastsbeforeheadingoutandidentifyroad conditions that may be hazardous.Give yourselfIf you need help identifying potential hazards in enoughtimetogettoyourdestination;donotyour workplace, please contact Andy Sawan, Risk rush.If possible, avoid driving if a severe storm isServices Specialist at Sedgwick at: expected. andrew.sawan@sedgwick.com or 330.819.4728csiaonline.org'