b'8 SafetySafe Winter DrivingW ell,theweatherinOhioisaboutdepth to ensure proper grip when driving through tochangeandIdontknowaboutthesnow.Tiresneedmoretreaddepthinwintry Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryeveryoneelse,butIgetprettyconditions to maintain traction.It is recommended nervousdrivinginwinterweatherthattireshaveatleast5/32ofremainingtread conditions.The cold, blizzards, blowing wind, icedepth because it allows snow to be compressed in and slippery conditions are some of the hazardsthe grooves and released as the tire rolls, improving thatmakemeanxious.However,tomakethisstability. time of the year more bearable, I like to ensure I ampreparedfortheunexpected.YouandyourBattery: Ensure your battery is fully charged and organization should do the same thing: prepare yourin good condition, as cold weather can reduce its staff by reviewing safe driving techniques, create ancranking amps. Many batteries have a lifespan of emergency kit and prepare your company vehicles.only3-5years,andastheygetolder,theymay Safe driving in the winter requires extra caution andstruggle to start the vehicle in colder conditions. If preparation due to challenging conditions like snow,yourbatteryisapproachingitsexpectedservice ice and reduced visibility.Developing a programlife, consider installing a new one so the car will to assist employees with the unexpected is a greatstart reliably and not leave you stranded.way to prepare them if they are caught in one of those scary situations.Prepping your fleet vehiclesFluids: Keep your fluid levels at the manufacturers or personal cars, ensuring emergency equipment isrecommendedlevels.Thisincludesantifreeze, available, and training employees on safe drivingwindshield washer fluid, oil and gas or diesel. Do techniques can help lower anxiety when confrontingnot allow these fluid levels to get too low, as this these conditions. may cause them to thicken up and in some cases, freeze.Vehicle preparationTires: If possible, install winter tires, as they provideLights: Ensure all headlights, taillights and signal better traction in the snow. If not, check the treadlights are working and clean.Properly working and The InsulatorDecember 2024'