b'28 Legally SpeakingRecent Labor Decisions Impact EmployersDedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryPhoto by Ed Brown, Public DomainT hree new employment law cases illustrate thethat (a) the employer constant whiplash experienced by employersintends to express its whenever the nations politics swing backviews on unionization and forth two decisions severely impactat a meeting at which employers opportunities to resist unionization butattendance is voluntary; another benefits employers by limiting eligibility of(b) employees will not employees for overtime compensation.be subject to discipline, discharge,orotherBy Marc Fleischauer and Bob DunleveyMANDATORYEMPLOYEEUNIONIZATIONadverse consequences MEETINGS OUTLAWED for failing to attend or for leaving early; and (c) the On November 13, 2024, in Amazon.com Services LLC,employer will not keep records about which employees the NLRB held for the first time since 1948 that employersattend, fail to attend, or leave the meeting.cannot lawfully require employees to attend captive audience meetings where the employer expresses itsEMPLOYERS NEGATIVE PREDICTIONS ABOUT views on unionization. This decision changes over 75UNIONIZATION THROTTLEDyears of Board law and makes employers efforts toOn November 8, 2024, in Siren Retail Corp d/b/a Starbucks, challenge unionization much harder. Now, an employerthe NLRB ruled that employers negative predictions can avoid creating such an unlawful situation only byexpressed to employees considering unionization giving reasonable advance notice to employeesmust be carefully phrased on the basis of objective The InsulatorDecember 2024'