b'BUSINESS MANAGEMENT CSIA 23What to know Develop a planImmigration and Customs Enforcement agents mayNo matter what, prior planning will be key to handling come to a workplace as part of an investigation intoa workplace visit.an employer, according to the National Immigration Law Center. There are several reasons why theyGCs should work with counsel to develop a Rapid would be there. RaidResponsePlanforuseifHSIexecutesa workplaceinvestigation,includingtrainingkey As part of an external I-9 audit, federal agents visitemployeesonhowtohandlethatsituation, a jobsite to review employers records for workerStevenson said.authorization.Inthosecases,contractorsgeta three-dayheadsup,saidShanonStevenson,Training for employees includes knowing what may partner at Atlanta-based law firm Fisher & Phillips.constitute breaking the law. For example, managers orworkerswhohelpunauthorizedemployees In a jobsite raid, however, federal agents from ICEescape a jobsite could face criminal charges.or Homeland Security Investigations would show up unannounced, Stevenson said. Immigration agentsDazsaidsheandcoworkershaveheardof can only enter a private property such as a jobsiteincreasedfearacrosstheboardforworkers, if they have a judicial warrant signed by a judge,whether theyre authorized to work or not, as the according to the NILC. rhetoric around immigration has targeted those of Latin American and South American descent.What to doStevensonsaidcontractorsshouldreviewtheThat has detrimental effects on the workplace in warrantextensivelywithlegalcounsel,butanterms of workers ability to identify hazards in the unannounced raid by federal agents may not giveworkplace,feelingsafetobeabletospeakup employers more than a few minutes to react. In thatand let their employers know if theres something time, she said, ensure that the warrant is signedthats not only affecting them, but also all of their by a judge, verify that it lists the companys correctcoworkers, Daz said.legal name and address and email a copy of the warrant to the firms employment and immigrationZachary Phillips joined Construction Dive in September counsel. 2019. Prior to that, he worked as an editorial intern forCENTRAL STATES INSULATION ASSOCIATIONthe Baltimore Business Journal and the Hill.com. He is HSI agents will not wait for your attorney to arrivea graduate of the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at before commencing their search, Stevenson said.theUniversityofMaryland,wherehecoveredseveral beats across numerous school publications, including the When a warrant has an employees name on it, theDiamondback, Testudo Times and Capital News Service. National Immigration Law Center says employers do not have to say if that employee is present that day or not, nor take the ICE agents to the named employee.The NILC also advises not helping ICE agents sort workers by immigration status or nationality, while watching agents to ensure they are complying with thewarrant.Additionally,NILCsuggestshaving a willing party video record the raid, in case it is needed for future legal action. csiaonline.org'