b'24 LeadershipUse These5Phrases to Motivate Others at WorkW anttomotivatepeople?Letthemyoull discover that what youByTimothy Dimofknow youre listening.We talk a lotthoughtwasthebiggest abouttheimportanceofemotionalissuereallydoesntmatter intelligence,andhowitcanhelpthatmuch,andsomething company founders and business executives be betterelse you thought was no big leaders. But how can you tell if you have it or not?dealistherealcruxofthe SACS Consulting & problem. Beyond that, youreInvestigative Services1.Canyoutellmemoreaboutthat?letting the other person know that youre willing Actually listening to peoplewithout your phoneto truly listen to them, always a good thing to do. in hand and paying full attention to what theyreAnd talking out the problem in detail will help them sayingis one of the most emotionally intelligentventsomeoftheirnegativeemotionsaboutit. things you can do, and its especially importantThat may help them calm down and start thinking todoitwhenyouretheboss.Itsalsooneofthrough possible solutions. themostpowerfulmotivationaltoolsatyour disposal.Peoplewhoknowyoureallylistento4. ThissituationmakesmeTheendofthat Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industrythem and care about what they have to say aresentence could be worried, confused, or even much more likely to support your goals, and toupset. If youre feeling those sorts of negative put in the extra effort to help you succeed. It mayemotions, its almost always a good idea to focus seem like you dont have the time to really listen toonthesituationathandandtheproblemthat employees but investing that time can really payneeds to be solved, not on the person who may off. have caused it.The exception is when someone has done something truly unacceptable, such as 2. I understand what youre saying, but If yourefalsifying information or harassing an employee. about to disagree with someone or overrule them,Its still important to remain calm and not let your its hugely helpful to let them know that you haveanger take over, but its vital to let the offender heard and understand their point of view. Whetherknow they have crossed a line and that there will youretalkingtoanemployee,apartner,orbe consequences. someone outside your company, your goal should usuallybetoarriveatamutuallyagreeable5.Id love your input. Whether you say it to an solution.Anger, insults, or intellectual superiorityemployee,acolleague,orevenaprospective wont get you there, but saying something like thiscustomer, this may be the most powerful phrase of just might.them all. Most people love sharing their thoughts and opinions, so inviting them to do so is likely to 3. Could you explain the problem? When someoneplease them. Even more important, by asking their ishavinganissue,askingthemtoexplaintheadvice, youre letting them know their insights and problem can help you in multiple ways. First of all,expertise matter to you. Thats an expression of it always pays to get someone to tell you with arespect that will likely make them feel good about bit of detail exactly whats bothering them, eventhemselves, and about their relationship with you if you think you already know. Some of the time,as well.The InsulatorDecember 2024'