b'44 DIRECTORS MESSAGECentralStates Insulation AssociationDirectors MessageRachel PinkusDIRECTOR A swepreparetoeven more valuable by the added chance to build close out yet anothersocial relationships with your colleagues from the Rachel Pinkus year together, I justinsulation industry.wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your support of the Association andANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM: Each year, the Mechanical Insulation Industry. By maintainingCSIA offers two $1500.00 college or technical school your CSIA membership and your event participation,scholarships to students who are the children of or we are able to continue to bring you the memberunder the legal guardianship of employees of CSIA benefits that you have come to depend on. member companies. In case you are newer to the Association (or maybeSAFETYMANUALTEMPLATE:CSIAhasaUV-resistant. Waterproof.just need a little refresher), Ill remind you whatcustomizable Company Safety Manual Template those Member Benefits are: to help your company stay compliant and safe for QUARTERLY MAGAZINE: The CSIA Magazinethe nominal price of only $300. The template wasDuct and Pipe Sealing System.developed by the Legal Counsel at Auman, Mahan highlights Association activities and upcoming& Furry specifically for mechanical insulation industry events. It also brings news of the region,contractors to address your companys specific safetyFlexCladprovidesacompletewaterproofingbarriertotheelements.Dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in their industryincluding labor, legal and safety matters, items ofneeds and it addresses every conceivable issue, from general business interest, and economic updates. fall protection to fire safety to prevention of mobile phone distraction. EMAIL BULLETINS: The CSIA EBulletin brings industry news to our members in between newsletterFULL-TIME ASSOCIATION STAFF: CSIA Members issues. It also provides information on any upcomingreceive the service of a full-time staff; ready to seminars, webinars or trainings available to ourgive direct answers to your questions or to find the members. source with the answer you need. We have members on our staff who are well versed in labor relations, SPRING LABOR SEMINAR: Spring of each year,government affairs, construction industry issues, CSIA holds its Annual Labor Conference whichand inter-industry relations. Well help you get theTough and durable protection, while saving labor and material costs.covers 16 area agreements, labor trend updates, andresources you need to keep your business runningFlexClad is a self-adhering, sheet-type waterproofing membrane that protects critical HVAC duct and piping negotiation strategies. Attendees also go home withsmoothly.against the harshest environments. The product is easy to install, conforms to odd shapes, and self-seals the Labor Management Manual which is an excellentEnjoy this last little bit of 2024 and the Holidayaround penetrations for complete waterproofing protection. FlexClad offers the Ultimate Protection!reference tool for labor statistics and contract issues. Season and remember, your CSIA staff is here toAggressively adheres direct to the surfacesupport you. Designed to be left exposed to the elementsFALLCONFERENCE:Forthepast20years,Exceeds25/50flame/smokeratingCSIA has joined together with ESICA (the EasternHappy Holidays my friends! Cross-laminated constructionStates Insulation Contractors Association) for aRachel A. Pinkus10-year warrantythree day Fall Conference which is always heldCSIA Executive Directorin a beautiful location. This conference features outstanding speakers as well as a great opportunity for a little relaxation and recreation which is made Visit flexclad.com or call 800.882.7663 today.The InsulatorDecember 2024'