b'INSULATOR CentralStates Insulation AssociationMAGAZINE CSIA LeadershipOfficers Education Committee ChairPresidentBradley ViersCarl Hughes II Rival InsulationCascade Insulation Company Legal CounselRobert DunleveyVice President-Secretary/ rdunlevey@taftlaw.comTreasurerDECEMBER 2024 Chris Tremberth StaffRival Insulation Rachel PinkusExecutive Director &CONTENTS Immediate Past President The Insulator EditorJoseph McCoy rpinkus@assnsoffice.comChampaign A & K Insulation Co., Inc. Bob PopeManaging DirectorContractor Directors bpope@assnsoffice.comCraig ParnacottGeorge V. Hamilton, Inc. Megan PopeCSIA Directors Message 4 Brian Willett Associate Managing DirectorGribbins Insulation Co. mpope@assnsoffice.comSafety 8-9 Carl Schultz Valerie PopePerformance Contracting,Affiliate Relations &Safe Winter Driving Inc. Government Affairs vpope@assnsoffice.comMark Crosby Joe Williams2025 Save the Dates 11 R.L. Bondy Insulation Co.Graphic Designerjwilliams@assnsoffice.comNick StevensMember Event 12 Thermal Solutions-Ohio, Inc. Chrystal BeaversAccount ManagerSave the Date cbeavers@assnsoffice.comDistributor / FabricatorMorgan ArwoodDirectors Membership DirectorEconomic UpdateKris Scheller marwood@assnsoffice.com14-19 Extol of Ohio, Inc.Construction Forecast 2025Sherry Freier Jared Lux Advertising SalesA Welcome Economic Rebound Bay Insulation Supply ofsfreier@assnsoffice.comIndianaBusiness Management 22-23 Scott ZwengAmerican Mechanical What to do if Immigration Agents Come to YourInsulation Sales, Inc.Jobsite Associate DirectorsRob HenneOwens CorningLeadership 24 Andrew HiattUse These 5 Phrases to Motivate Others at Work Polyguard Products, Inc.DavidMatolyakArmacell, LLCLegally Speaking 28-29 Contractor Members at LargeRecent Labor Decisions Impact Employers Jim DiersingThermal Solution, Inc. Tom Wolfe III Alloyd Insulation Co., Inc.INSULATORMagazine The Central States insulation Association is a not-for-profit trade association dedicated to working with its member firms and their labor counterparts, theEditorInternational Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers, toRachel Pinkusinsure that their customers get the best engineered, installed and maintained mechanical insulation systems. CSIA7250 Poe Ave. Ste. 410CSIA is dedicated to keeping its members at the forefront in helping their clients and industryDayton, OH 45414partners realize the full benefits of the positive Green impact mechanical insulation systems canwww.csiaonline.orghave on their power, petrochemical, pulp and paper, refining, gas processing, brewery, health937-278-0308care, institutional, food processing, manufacturing and commercial projects.Disclaimer: The opinions and positions stated in articles published herein are those of the authors and not, by the fact offacebook.com/CentralStatesInsulationAssociationpublication, necessarily those of CSIA.CSIA does not endorse insulating products or systems and shall not be deemed by anything herein to have recommended the use or non-use of any particular insulation system.'